Default de se: The interpretation of the Ewe logophor

DSpace Repository


Dokumentart: ConferencePaper
Date: 2019-12-02
Language: English
Faculty: 9 Sonstige / Externe
Department: Allgemeine u. vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft
DDC Classifikation: 400 - Language and Linguistics
490 - Other languages
Keywords: Linguistik , Semantik , Feldforschung , Ewe-Sprache
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This paper aims at evaluating two contradicting generalizations regarding the interpretation of logophoric pronouns, using data from Ewedomegbe (the Northern Ghanaian dialect of Ewe). Clements (1975), for instance, and many others propose that the default interpretation of the Ewe logophoric pronoun ye` is unambiguously attitude de se like PRO in English, see Chierchia (1989). This view is challenged by Pearson (2015), who presents data that shows that ye` may be read de re as well. I presented real-world examples of ‘mistaken’ identity to ten native informants, as well as examples of dream reports to two native informants. Regarding ‘mistaken identity’, the judgments confirm the standard view by Clements (1975) and others that the logophoric pronoun ye` seems unambiguously attitude de se. For dream reports, the judgments show that they may not be useful in shedding light on the de re, de se distinction. I discuss possible explanations for the different judgments.

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