Novel mutations consolidate KCTD7 as a progressive myoclonus epilepsy gene

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Novel mutations consolidate KCTD7 as a progressive myoclonus epilepsy gene

Author: Kousi, Maria; Anttila, Verneri; Schulz, Angela; Calafato, Stella; Jakkula, Eveliina; Riesch, Erik; Myllykangas, Liisa; Kalimo, Hannu; Topcu, Meral; Gokben, Sarenur; Alehan, Fusun; Lemke, Johannes R.; Alber, Michael; Palotie, Aarno; Kopra, Outi; Lehesjoki, Anna-Elina
Tübinger Autor(en):
Alber, Michael Wolfgang Hans-Peter
Published in: Journal of Medical Genetics (2012), Bd. 49, H. 6, S. 391-399
Verlagsangabe: B M J Publishing Group
Language: English
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ISSN: 0022-2593
DDC Classifikation: 570 - Life sciences; biology
610 - Medicine and health
Dokumentart: Article
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