The ABC effect is observed in the 2$\pi$-production in nucleon-nucleon or nucleon-nucleus collisions, if fusion of the projectile with the target nucleons occurs.
The ABC effect is a low-mass enhancement in the $\pi\pi$ invariant mass spectrum. It was first discovered in the inclusively measured double pionic fusion of deuterons and protons to $^3$$He$. Lateron it has also been observed in inclusive measurements of the reaction $np \to d\pi\pi$ with a neutron beam.
In this work the first exclusive measurements of the reaction $pd \to pd\pi^0\pi^0$ have been carried out at beam energies of $T_p =$ 1.03 and 1.35 GeV at CELSIUS storage ring in Uppsala/Sweden. The WASA detector with almost full 4$\pi$ solid angle coverage allows to detect charged and neutral particles. Deuterons were measured in the {\it Forward Detector}, whereas the 4 photons, which originated from 2$\pi^0$ decay, detected in the {\it Central Detector}.
The selected energies are close to the maximum cross section of the reaction $pn \to d\pi^+\pi^-$ observed in the previous inclusive measurements. Therefore they are optimal for the study of the ABC effect. The reaction $pn \to d\pi^0\pi^0$ has been measured as quasifree $pd \to p_{spec}d\pi^0\pi^0$ reaction with a spectator proton $p_{spec}$ of very small momentum. Since all particles except of the spectator proton have been measured, the spectator 4-momentum could be reconstructed by kinematical fits with 3 overconstraints. Hence one could exploit the Fermi motion of the target neutron to cover a range of relative energies in the $pn$-system for a given beam energy.
The $\pi^0\pi^0$ channel, which is purely isoscalar and free of any isovector contributions, shows a large low-mass enhancement in the $M_{\pi^0\pi^0}$ spectrum, which is much larger than observed in the inclusive measurements and also larger than predicted in previous $\Delta\Delta$ calculations. In contrast to these and also to the inclusive data a high-mass enhancement in the $M_{\pi^0\pi^0}$ spectrum was not observed and is meanwhile interpreted as 3$\pi$ and $\eta$-meson production.
Since the available $\Delta\Delta$ calculations are not successful in the description of the exclusively measured data, another explanation is presented here.
The enhancement in the low invariant mass $M_{\pi^0\pi^0}$ is strongly correlated with the observed resonance-like structure in the total cross section.
Indeed, all exclusive data can be described, if one assumes a resonance in the isoscalar $pn$-system, which dominantly decays via the isoscalar $\Delta\Delta$ system.
With this so-called s-channel resonance ansatz a very good description of the data in the total cross section as well as in the differential spectra has been achieved. Mass and width of this isoscalar dibaryonic resonance are $M_R \approx $ 2.36 GeV/c$^2$ and $\Gamma_R \approx $ 80 MeV, respectively. These intriguing results have already been published in Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 102}, 052301 (2009).