Vogel, Sebastian
(2011); PhDThesis; Vogel, S. & Märker, M. (2010): Reconstructing the Roman topography and environmental features of the Sarno River Plain (Italy) before the AD 79 eruption of Somma-Vesuvius. Geomorphology 115, 67-77. Vogel, S., Märker, M. & Seiler, F. (2011): Revised modeling of the post-AD 79 volcanic deposits of Somma-Vesuvius to reconstruct the pre-AD 79 topography of the Sarno River plain (Italy). Geologica Carpathica 62(1), 5-16. Vogel, S. & Märker, M. (2011): Characterization of the pre-AD 79 Roman paleosol south of Pompeii (Italy): Correlation between soil parameter values and paleo-topography. Geoderma 160, 548-558.