Cultivating the seeds of sanctity : interpretation of archaeobotanical remains from Building XVI at Tell Tayinat (8th and 7th centuries BCE), South-Central Turkey

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Cultivating the seeds of sanctity : interpretation of archaeobotanical remains from Building XVI at Tell Tayinat (8th and 7th centuries BCE), South-Central Turkey

Autor(en): Karakaya, Doğa
Tübinger Autor(en):
Karakaya, Doğa
Erscheinungsjahr: 2024
Sprache: Englisch
Dokumentart: Teil eines Buches
Erschienen in: Beyond subsistence - 1. Auflage - Tübingen : Tübingen University Press, 2024
Seitenbereich: 101-115
Verbund-Nachweis: 1898513163
Zur Langanzeige

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