Tupinambá is the first attested language of the Tupí-Guaraní family and it has a story that one can follow from its first attestation to the present through its descendants. Making use of RRG, a linguistic theory that is ...
A large number of ion channels and transporters contribute to regulation of electrical excitability in pancreatic beta cells. Activities of these ion channels control transportation of ions and determine the membrane ...
Meningeome sind hauptsächlich benigne Gehirntumore, deren primäre Behandlung die mikrochirurgische Resektion ist. Trotz radikaler Exstirpation neigen auch benigne Meningeome zur Bildung von Rezidiven (10-30%), deren weitere ...
The eukaryotic initiation factor 4E (eIF4E) binds the cap structure of an mRNA as the
first step of cap dependent translation. Together with the RNA helicase eIF4A and the
scaffolding protein eIF4G, eIF4E forms the ...
The TAR DNA binding protein 43kDa (TDP-43) is a predominantly nuclear protein that is involved mainly in mRNA splicing, processing and transport. TDP-43 is also the main component of the insoluble inclusions found in neurons ...