Miriam Lahrsow: Self-Annotated Literary Works 1300-1900
Author Title First Published Genre Language Indication Position Info before note Discussed in Comment
Barberino, Francesco da Documenti d'Amore 1309-1313 (ca.) Poetry Italian

Folena, Gianfranco. “Premessa.” L' autocommento: Atti del XVIII convegno interuniversitario (Bressanone, 1990), edited by Gianfelice Peron, Esedra Ed, 1994, 1-10.

Kendrick, Laura. “The Monument and the Margin.” South Atlantic Quarterly, vol. 91, no. 4, 1992, 835-864.

Minnis, Alastair J. “Amor and Auctoritas in the Self-Commentary of Dante and Francesco da Barberino.” Poetica, vol. 32, 1990, pp. 25–42.

Minnis, Alastair J. “Inglorious Glosses?” John Gower in England and Iberia: Manuscripts, Influences, Reception, edited by Ana Sáez-Hidalgo and Robert F. Yeager, Boydell & Brewer, 2014, 51-75.

Panzera, Maria Cristina. « Scriba Amoris : Didactic Poetry and self-commentary in Francesco da Barberino », Colloque International The medieval Self-commentary: a transnational perspective, organisé par F. Geymonat, I. Johnson, A. Pizzone, 22-23 juillet 2014, Fondation Hardt, Genève, en cours de publication.

Boccaccio Teseida 1339-1341 (ca.) Poetry Italian

Hollander, Robert. The Validity of Boccaccio's Self Exegesis in His Teseida, Mediaeval and Renaissance Society, 1977.

Minnis, Alastair J., and Alexander Brian Scott, editors. Medieval Literary Theory and Criticism: c. 1100-c. 1375 - The Commentary-Tradition, Clarendon, 1988. 375.

Ricci, Roberta. Scrittura, riscrittura, autoesegesi: Voci autoriali intorno all'epica in volgare; Boccaccio, Tasso, ETS, 2010.

Schnapp, Jeffrey T. “Un commento all'autocommento nel Teseida.” Studi sul Boccaccio, vol. 20, 1991, pp. 185–203.

Schnapp, Jeffrey T. “A Commentary on Commentary in Boccaccio.” South Atlantic Quarterly, vol. 91, no. 4, 1992, pp. 813–34.

Gower, John Confessio amantis 1390 (ca.) Poetry English; Latin None Margin None Batchelor, Patricia Ann. Unjustified Margins: Vernacular Innovations and Latin Tradition in Gower's Confessio amantis. PhD Dissertation, Marquette University, 1996.

Echard, Siân. “With Carmen's Help: Latin Authorities in the Confessio Amantis.” Studies in Philology, vol. 95, no. 1, 1998, pp. 1–40.

Galloway, Andrew. “Gower's Confessio Amantis, The Prick of Conscience, and the History of the Latin Gloss in Early English Literature.” John Gower: Manuscripts, Readers, Contexts, edited by Malte Urban, Brepols, 2009, pp. 39–70. Disputatio 13.

Griffiths, Jane. Diverting Authorities: Experimental Glossing Practices in Manuscript and Print, OUP, 2014.

Minnis, Alastair J., and Alexander Brian Scott, editors. Medieval Literary Theory and Criticism: c. 1100-c. 1375 - The Commentary-Tradition, Clarendon, 1988. 379-380

Derek Pearsall, "Gower's Latin in the Confessio amantis," in A. J. Minnis, Latin
and Vernacular: Studies in Late-Medieval Texts and Manuscripts, Woodbridge, 1989.

Hoccleve, Thomas Regiment of Princes 1410-11 Poetry English

Lydgate, John The Siege of Thebes 1420-22 (ca.) Poetry English

Griffiths, Jane. Diverting Authorities: Experimental Glossing Practices in Manuscript and Print, OUP, 2014.
Lydgate, John The Fall of Princes 1430-39 (ca.) Poetry English

Brandt, Sebastian Narrenschiff 1494 Poetry German

Metz, Bernhard, and Sabine Zubarik. “Einleitung.” Am Rande bemerkt: Anmerkungspraktiken in literarischen Texten, edited by Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik, Kadmos, 2008. Translated into Latin in 1506 by Josse Bade as: Navis stultiferae collectanea ab Jodoco Badio Ascensio vario carminum genere non sine eorumdem familiari explanatione constata
Emser, Hieronymus Eyn deutsche Satyra vnd straffe des Eebruchs unnd in was wurden unnd Erenn der eelich Stand vorczeiten gehalten : mit Erclarung vil schoner Historien [sic] 1505 Poetry German

Kipf, Johannes Klaus. “'Pluto ist als vil als Lucifer': Zur ältesten Verwendung gedruckter Marginalnoten in deutschen literarischen Texten (bis 1520).” Am Rande bemerkt: Anmerkungspraktiken in literarischen Texten, edited by Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik, Kadmos, 2008, pp. 33–58.

Pfersmann, Andréas. “Le siège de Commentariopolis ou heurs et malheurs de l'autorité.” La note d'autorité: Aperçus historiques (XVIe - XVIIIe s.), edited by Armand Colin, Champion, 2007, pp. 75–122. Littératures classiques 64.

Jodocus Badius Ascensius Nouis stultifera ( . . . ) ab Jodoco Badio Ascensio uorio corrninum genere non sine eorundem familiari explanatione illustroto 1507 Poetry Latin

Hess, Günter. “Kommentarstruktur und Leser: Das "Lob der Torheit" des Erasmus von Rotterdam, kommentiert von Gerardius Listrius und Sebastian Franck.” Der Kommentar in der Renaissance, edited by August Buck and Otto Herding, Boldt, 1975, pp. 141-65.
Erasmus Moriae Encomium / The Praise of Folly 1511 Prose Latin

Gavin, Joseph A., and Clarence H. Miller. “Erasmus' Additions to Listrius' Commentary on The Praise of Folly.”

Gavin, J. Austin, and Thomas M. Walsh. “The Praise of Folly in Context: The Commentary of Girardus Listrius.” Renaissance Quarterly, vol. 24, no. 2, 1971, pp. 193–209. doi:10.2307/2859196.

Griffiths, Jane. Diverting Authorities: Experimental Glossing Practices in Manuscript and Print, OUP, 2014.

Hess, Günter. “Kommentarstruktur und Leser: Das "Lob der Torheit" des Erasmus von Rotterdam, kommentiert von Gerardius Listrius und Sebastian Franck.” Der Kommentar in der Renaissance, edited by August Buck and Otto Herding, Boldt, 1975, pp. 141-65.

McCabe, Richard A. “Annotating Anonymity, Or Putting a Gloss on The Shepheardes Calender.” Ma(r)king the Text: The Presentation of Meaning on the Literary Page, edited by Joe Bray et al., Ashgate, 2000, 35-54.

Slights, William W. E. “The Edifying Margins of Renaissance English Books.” Renaissance Quarterly, vol. 42, no. 4, 1989, pp. 682–716. doi:10.2307/2862277.

Slights, William W. E. Managing Readers: Printed Marginalia in English Renaissance Books, U of Michigan P, 2004.
It is not clear whether Eramus wrote the annotations himself or whether they were really written by Gerardus Listrius, to whom they are attributed. (For an overview of the debate, see Slights 1989).
Bouchet, Jean La déploration de l'église militante 1512 Poetry French

Dauvois, Nathalie. “Annotations d'auteurs à l'aube de l'imprimerie : d'une autorité à l'autre.” La note d'autorité: Aperçus historiques (XVIe - XVIIIe s.), edited by Armand Colin, Champion, 2007, pp. 7–20. Littératures classiques 64.

Hasenohr, Geneviève. “Discours vernaculaires et autorités latines.” Mise en page et mise en texte du livre manuscrit, edited by Henri-Jean Martin and Jean Vézin, Cercle de la Librairie-Promodis, 1990, pp. 289–315.

Skelton, John Speke Parrot 1521 (ca.) Poetry English

Griffiths, Jane. Diverting Authorities: Experimental Glossing Practices in Manuscript and Print, OUP, 2014.
Bouchet, Jean Le Labyrinthe de fortunes 1522 Poetry French

Dauvois, Nathalie. “Annotations d'auteurs à l'aube de l'imprimerie : d'une autorité à l'autre.” La note d'autorité: Aperçus historiques (XVIe - XVIIIe s.), edited by Armand Colin, Champion, 2007, pp. 7–20. Littératures classiques 64.

Hasenohr, Geneviève. “Discours vernaculaires et autorités latines.” Mise en page et mise en texte du livre manuscrit, edited by Henri-Jean Martin and Jean Vézin, Cercle de la Librairie-Promodis, 1990, pp. 289–315.

Skelton, John A Garlande of Laurell 1523 Poetry English

Griffiths, Jane. Diverting Authorities: Experimental Glossing Practices in Manuscript and Print, OUP, 2014.
Bouchet, Jean L’Épître de Justice 1525 Poetry French

Dauvois, Nathalie. “Annotations d'auteurs à l'aube de l'imprimerie : d'une autorité à l'autre.” La note d'autorité: Aperçus historiques (XVIe - XVIIIe s.), edited by Armand Colin, Champion, 2007, pp. 7–20. Littératures classiques 64.

Hasenohr, Geneviève. “Discours vernaculaires et autorités latines.” Mise en page et mise en texte du livre manuscrit, edited by Henri-Jean Martin and Jean Vézin, Cercle de la Librairie-Promodis, 1990, pp. 289–315.

Berni, Francesco Capitolo della primiera 1526 Poetry Italian

Mulsow, Martin. “Subversive Kommentierung: Burleske Kommentarparodien, Gegenkommentare und Libertinismus in der frühen Neuzeit.” Der Kommentar in der Frühen Neuzeit, edited by Ralph Häfner and Markus Völkel, de Gruyter, 2006, 133-160.

Mulsow, Martin. Die unanständige Gelehrtenrepublik: Wissen, Libertinage und Kommunikation in der Frühen Neuzeit, Metzler, 2007.

Skelton, John A Replycacion 1528 Poetry English

Lando, Ortensio Confutazione dei Paradossi 1544 Poetry Italian

Mulsow, Martin. “Subversive Kommentierung: Burleske Kommentarparodien, Gegenkommentare und Libertinismus in der frühen Neuzeit.” Der Kommentar in der Frühen Neuzeit, edited by Ralph Häfner and Markus Völkel, de Gruyter, 2006, 133-160. The comments are not directly attached to the poem but published one year later under a pseudonym
Baldwin, William Beware the Cat 1561 Prose English None Margin None Archer, Harriet. “Companions in Folly: Genre and Poetic Practice in Five Elizabethan Anthologies.” Self-Commentary in Early Modern European Literature, 1400-1700, edited by Francesco Venturi, Brill, 2019, 189-230.

Griffiths, Jane. Diverting Authorities: Experimental Glossing Practices in Manuscript and Print, OUP, 2014.

Slights, William W. E. “The Edifying Margins of Renaissance English Books.” Renaissance Quarterly, vol. 42, no. 4, 1989, pp. 682–716. doi:10.2307/2862277.

Stenner, Rachel. The Typographic Imaginary in Early Modern English Literature, Routledge, 2018.
The annotations are often summaries of the main text rather than explanations, but sometimes, as Slights notes, "William Baldwin uses his margin to mock his own fictional persona, the narrator Streamer, who converses with telltale cats" (Slights 1989, 686n14)

Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Gascoigne, George Adventures of Master F. J. 1573 Poetry English None Endnote after chapter/canto None Archer, Harriet. “Companions in Folly: Genre and Poetic Practice in Five Elizabethan Anthologies.” Self-Commentary in Early Modern European Literature, 1400-1700, edited by Francesco Venturi, Brill, 2019, 189-230.

Kerrigan, John. “The Editor as Reader: Constructing Renaissance Texts.” The Practice and Representation of Reading in England, edited by James Raven, CUP, 1996, pp. 102-24.
Found here: https://www.dur.ac.uk/resources/imems/OtherEvents/selfcommentary_conferenceprogramme.pdf
Whetstone, George Rocke of Regard 1576 Poetry English None Margin None Archer, Harriet. “Companions in Folly: Genre and Poetic Practice in Five Elizabethan Anthologies.” Self-Commentary in Early Modern European Literature, 1400-1700, edited by Francesco Venturi, Brill, 2019, 189-230. The annotations are summaries of the main text rather than explanations

Found here: https://www.dur.ac.uk/resources/imems/OtherEvents/selfcommentary_conferenceprogramme.pdf
Breton, Nicholas Floorish upon Fancie 1577 Poetry English None Other None Archer, Harriet. “Companions in Folly: Genre and Poetic Practice in Five Elizabethan Anthologies.” Self-Commentary in Early Modern European Literature, 1400-1700, edited by Francesco Venturi, Brill, 2019, 189-230. The annotations are presented as headnotes.
Breton, Nicholas Workes of a Young Wyt 1577 Poetry English None Other None Archer, Harriet. “Companions in Folly: Genre and Poetic Practice in Five Elizabethan Anthologies.” Self-Commentary in Early Modern European Literature, 1400-1700, edited by Francesco Venturi, Brill, 2019, 189-230. Headnotes

Found here: https://www.dur.ac.uk/resources/imems/OtherEvents/selfcommentary_conferenceprogramme.pdf
Spenser, Edmund The Shepheardes Calender 1579 Poetry English None Endnote after chapter/canto Quote Archer, Harriet. “Companions in Folly: Genre and Poetic Practice in Five Elizabethan Anthologies.” Self-Commentary in Early Modern European Literature, 1400-1700, edited by Francesco Venturi, Brill, 2019, 189-230.

Assmann, Aleida. “Der Eigen-Kommentar als Mittel literarischer Traditionsstiftung: Zu Edmund Spensers The Shepheardes Calender.” Text und Kommentar, edited by Jan Assmann and Burkhard Gladigow, Fink, 1995, 355-373.

Kearney, James. “Reformed Ventriloquism: The Shepheardes Calender and the Craft of Commentary.” Spenser Studies, vol. 26, no. 1, 2011, pp. 111-51. doi:10.7756/spst.026.005.110-151.

McCabe, Richard A. “'Little booke: thy selfe present': The Politics of Presentation in The Shepheardes Calender.” Presenting Poetry: Composition, Publication, Reception: Essays in Honour of Ian Jack, edited by Howard Erskine-Hill and Richard A. McCabe, CUP, 1995, pp. 15–40.

Micros, Marianne. Layers Of Identity: Multiple Voices and Contradictory Patterns In Spenser's Shepheardes Calender. University of Western Ontario, 1989, ir.lib.uwo.ca​/​cgi/​viewcontent.cgi​?​article=​2976&​context=​digitizedtheses.

Scott-Warren, Jason. “Unannotating Spenser.” Renaissance Paratexts, edited by Helen Smith and Louise Wilson, CUP, 2011, 153-164.

Slights, William W. E. “The Edifying Margins of Renaissance English Books.” Renaissance Quarterly, vol. 42, no. 4, 1989, pp. 682–716.

Steinberg, Theodore L. “E.K.'s Shepheardes Calender and Spenser's.” Modern Language Studies, vol. 3, no. 2, 1973, pp. 46–58.

Slights, William W. E. Managing Readers: Printed Marginalia in English Renaissance Books, U of Michigan P, 2004.

Snare, Gerald. “The Practice of Glossing in Late Antiquity and the Renaissance.” Studies in Philology, vol. 92, no. 4, 1995, pp. 439–59.

Tribble, Evelyn B. Margins and Marginality: The Printed Page in Early Modern England, UP of Virginia, 1993.
The annotations are signed as “E.K.” - it is not clear whether Spenser wrote them himself (for the debate on who E.K. was, see McCabe and Slights).
Watson, Thomas Hekatomphatia 1582 Poetry English Sign after item Margin Sign/number repeated Coldiron, A. E. B. “Watson's Hekatompathia and Renaissance Lyric Translation.” Translation & Literature, vol. 5, no. 1, 1996, pp. 3-25. Watson uses one headnote for each poem, not different separate footnotes/endnotes for specific items in the poems. In addition to the headnotes, he also uses marginal notes. The focus is especially on intertextuality.
Anonymous Historia von D. Johann Fausten / dem weitbeschreyten Zauberer vnnd Schwartzkünstler / Wie er sich gegen dem Teuffel auff eine benandte zeit verschrieben / Was er hierzwischen für seltzsame Abentheuwer gesehen / selbs angerichtet vnd getrieben / biß er endtlich seinen wol verdienten Lohn empfangen. Mehertheil auß seinen eygenen hinderlassenen Schrifften / allen hochtragenden / fürwitzigen vnd Gottlosen Menschen zum schrecklichen Beyspiel / abscheuwlichen Exempel / und treuwhertziger Warnung zusammen gezogen / und in den Druck verfertiget 1587 Prose German

Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Nashe, Thomas Pierce Penilesse his Supplication to the Devil 1592 Prose English

Griffiths, Jane. Diverting Authorities: Experimental Glossing Practices in Manuscript and Print, OUP, 2014.
Chapman, George Ovid's Banquet of Sence 1595 Poetry English

Slights, William W. E. “The Edifying Margins of Renaissance English Books.” Renaissance Quarterly, vol. 42, no. 4, 1989, pp. 682–716. doi:10.2307/2862277.
Drayton, Michael England's heroical epistles, written in imitation of the stile and manner of Ovid's Epistles with annotations of the chronicle history 1597 Poetry English

Vega, Lope de El Isidro 1599 Poetry Spanish

Eckstein, Evelyn. Fussnoten: Anmerkungen zu Poesie und Wissenschaft, Lit, 2001. 117n12
Jonson, Ben Sejanus His Fall 1603 Drama English Number/letter before item Margin Sign/number repeated Griffiths, Jane. Diverting Authorities: Experimental Glossing Practices in Manuscript and Print, OUP, 2014.

Kerrigan, John. “The Editor as Reader: Constructing Renaissance Texts.” The Practice and Representation of Reading in England, edited by James Raven, CUP, 1996, pp. 102-24.

Slights, William W. E. “The Edifying Margins of Renaissance English Books.” Renaissance Quarterly, vol. 42, no. 4, 1989, pp. 682–716. doi:10.2307/2862277.

Tribble, Evelyn B. Margins and Marginality: The Printed Page in Early Modern England, UP of Virginia, 1993.
Pope owned "The Works of Ben Jonson" London: Thomas Hodgkin, 1692. Folio. He also made handwritten remarks in "Sejanus".

The annotations are not included in thr 1616 folio edition of his works (cf. Slights 1989, 687).
Jonson, Ben Part of King James His Royall and Magnificent Entertainment 1604 Drama English Number/letter before item Footnote; Margin Sign/number repeated Tribble, Evelyn B. Margins and Marginality: The Printed Page in Early Modern England, UP of Virginia, 1993.
Vega, Lope de El peregrino en su patria 1604 Prose Spanish

Eckstein, Evelyn. Fussnoten: Anmerkungen zu Poesie und Wissenschaft, Lit, 2001. 117n12
Jonson, Ben Hymenaei 1606 Drama English Number/letter before item Footnote; Margin Sign/number repeated Tribble, Evelyn B. Margins and Marginality: The Printed Page in Early Modern England, UP of Virginia, 1993.
Jonson, Ben The Masque of Queens 1609 Drama English Number/letter before item Margin Sign/number repeated Pfersmann, Andréas. “La secte des autonotistes: idées sur le roman annoté.” Fondements, évolutions et persistance des théories du roman, edited by Andréas Pfersmann and Bernard Alazet, Lettres Modernes, pp. 75–86.

Slights, William W. E. “The Edifying Margins of Renaissance English Books.” Renaissance Quarterly, vol. 42, no. 4, 1989, pp. 682–716. doi:10.2307/2862277.

Tribble, Evelyn B. Margins and Marginality: The Printed Page in Early Modern England, UP of Virginia, 1993.

de la Ceppède, Jean Théorèmes sur le sacré mystère de nostre redemption 1613-1621 Poetry French

Charpentier, Françoise. “L'auto-commentaire de Jean de La Ceppède.” Les commentaires et la naissance de la critique littéraire: France - Italie, XIVe-XVIe siecles, edited by Gisèle Mathieu-Castellani, Aux Amateurs de Livres, 1990, 101-110.

Ganim, Russell. “Blood, Sweat, and Tears: Annotation and Self-Exegesis in La Ceppède.” Self-Commentary in Early Modern European Literature, 1400-1700, edited by Francesco Venturi, Brill, 2019, 263-283.

Pfersmann, Andréas. “Le siège de Commentariopolis ou heurs et malheurs de l'autorité.” La note d'autorité: Aperçus historiques (XVIe - XVIIIe s.), edited by Armand Colin, Champion, 2007, pp. 75–122. Littératures classiques 64.

Tassoni, Alessandro La secchia rapita 1622 Poetry Italian

Besomi, Ottavio. “L'autocommento nella Secchia rapita.” L' autocommento: Atti del XVIII convegno interuniversitario (Bressanone, 1990), edited by Gianfelice Peron, Esedra Ed, 1994, 53-67.

Besomi, Ottavio. “Glosse d'autore e glosse d'editore: per un commento alla Secchia rapita.” Il commento ai testi: Atti del seminario di Ascona, 2 - 9 Ottobre 1989, edited by Ottavio Besomi, Birkhäuser, 1992, pp. 373–407.

Caruso, Carlo. “Mockery and Erudition: Alessandro Tassoni's Secchia rapita and Francesco Redi's Bacco in Toscana.” Self-Commentary in Early Modern European Literature, 1400-1700, edited by Francesco Venturi, Brill, 2019, 395-419.
first translated into English in 1710 by Ozell (La secchia rapita: The trophy-bucket. A mock-heroic poem, the first of the kind). In the translation, the annotations are indicated by signs and located either in the margin or at the bottom of the page.
Donne, John Devotions upon Emergent Occasions 1624 Prose English None Margin None

Opitz, Martin [Various poems, e.g. "Vesuvius"] 1633 Poetry German

Martin, Dieter. “Gedichte mit Fußnoten: Zesens Prirau und der frühneuzeitliche Eigenkommentar.” 147n30
Eckstein, Evelyn. Fussnoten: Anmerkungen zu Poesie und Wissenschaft. 27-28; 97.

Fletcher, Phineas The Purple Island 1633 Poetry English Number/letter before item Margin Sign/number repeated Kerrigan, John. “The Editor as Reader: Constructing Renaissance Texts.” The Practice and Representation of Reading in England, edited by James Raven, CUP, 1996, pp. 102-24.
Sorel, Charles L'Anti-Roman ou l'histoire du berger Lysis 1633 Poetry French

Chouinard, Daniel. “Charles Sorel (anti)romancier et le brouillage du discours.” Études françaises, vol. 14, 1-2, 1978, pp. 65–91. doi:10.7202/036665ar.
Smith, James [attributed to] The loves of Hero and Leander : a mock poem: with marginal notes, and other choice pieces of drollery. Got by heart, and often repeated by divers witty gentlemen and ladies, that use to walk in the New Exchange, and at their recreations in Hide Park 1653 Poetry English Sign before item Margin Sign/number repeated

Cowley, Abraham Poems
Davideis, a Sacred Poem of the Troubles of David in Four Books;
Pindaric Odes]
1656 Poetry English Other Endnote after chapter/canto; Margin Sign/number repeated Zerby, Chuck. The Devil's Details: A History of Footnotes, Invisible Cities Press, 2002. pp. 46-49 Indication: number before the line
Gryphius, Andreas Carolus Stuardus 1657 Drama German

Angelus Silesius [pseud. of Scheffler, Johannes] Cherubinischer Wandersmann oder Geist-Reiche Sinn- und Schluss-Reime 1657 (rev. 1675) Poetry German

Meyer, Holt, and Sabine Zubarik. “Zum Zuviel zu viel: Fußnoten und Klammern: Wiederaufnahme: Angelus Silesius' Cherubinischer Wandersmann und Robbe-Grillets La Reprise.” Am Rande bemerkt: Anmerkungspraktiken in literarischen Texten, edited by Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik, Kadmos, 2008, pp. 77–100. Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Gryphius, Andreas Großmüttiger Rechts-Gelehrter / Oder Sterbender Aemilius Paulus Papinianus. 1659 Drama German

Eckstein, Evelyn. Fussnoten: Anmerkungen zu Poesie und Wissenschaft, Lit, 2001. 58.
Lohenstein, Daniel Casper von Cleopatra 1661 Drama German

Eckstein, Evelyn. Fussnoten: Anmerkungen zu Poesie und Wissenschaft, Lit, 2001. 50-51.
Scudamore, James Homer à la Mode : a mock poem upon the first and second books of Homer's Iliads 1664 Poetry English Number/letter after item Footnote Sign/number repeated Weinbrot, Howard D. The Formal Strain: Studies in Augustan Imitation and Satire, U of Chicago P, 1969. p. 26
Cotton, Charles Scarronides: or, Virgile travestie A mock-poem. Being the first book of Virgils Æneis in English, burlésque 1664–65 Poetry English Number/letter before item Footnote Sign/number repeated Terry, Richard. Mock-Heroic from Butler to Cowper: An English Genre and Discourse, Taylor & Francis, 2005.

Weinbrot, Howard D. The Formal Strain: Studies in Augustan Imitation and Satire, U of Chicago P, 1969. p. 26.
The letter indicating the annotation appears before the line.
Zesen, Philipp von Assenat 1670 Drama German

Eckstein, Evelyn. Fussnoten: Anmerkungen zu Poesie und Wissenschaft, Lit, 2001. 54-72.

Pfersmann, Andréas. “Le siège de Commentariopolis ou heurs et malheurs de l'autorité.” La note d'autorité: Aperçus historiques (XVIe - XVIIIe s.), edited by Armand Colin, Champion, 2007, pp. 75–122. Littératures classiques 64.

Saint-Réal, César Vichard de Dom Carlos 1672 Prose French

Dürrenmatt, Jacques. “Ce que les notes disent de la fiction.” Usages et théories de la fiction, edited by Françoise Lavocat, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2004, pp. 239–56. books.openedition.org​/​pur/​32707.
Grimmelshausen, Hans Jacob Christoffel von Galgen-Männlein 1673

Anonymous Poesis Triumphans. Oder SiegesPracht der Dichtkunst/ gegen die übelgesinnte Zeit : In dreyen Strafgedichten abgehandelt/ Und mit nöthigen Anmerkungen erkläret
Hierbey ist angefüget Musica Incantans, Das ist Die Bezaubernde Music
/ Durch ein Mitglied der Durchleucht. Fruchtbringenden Gesellschaft Den Erkohrnen
1676 Poetry German

Pope, Walter The Salisbury ballad: with curious, learned and critical notes

alternative title:
The Salsbury-Balld [sic] With the learned commentaries of a friend to the authors [sic] memory
1676 Poetry English Number/letter before item Margin Sign/number repeated Pope, Alexander. The Poems of Alexander Pope: Vol. 5: The Dunciad. Edited by James R. Sutherland, 2nd rev. ed, Methuen, 1953. p. xl Not related to Alexander Pope.
Knittel, Christian v. H. a. S. Poetische Sin[n]enFrüchte : durch Lob- Sitt- und Tugend-Oden/ Nebst eintheiliger Auszierung nüzlicher Anmerkungen/ ans Licht gediehen 1677 Poetry German

Scherertz, Friedrich Perennander Oder/ Von der Unsterblichkeit der Seele/ Und der Auferstehung des Leibes : Mit einigen Anmerkungen 1678 Poetry German

Bunyan, John The Pilgrim's Progress 1678 Poetry English Sign before item Margin Sign/number repeated

Zesen, Philipp von Simson 1679 Prose German

Eckstein, Evelyn. Fussnoten: Anmerkungen zu Poesie und Wissenschaft, Lit, 2001. 57.
Zesen, Philipp von Des Hochdeutschen Helikonischen Liljenthales / das ist der Hochpreiswuerdigen Deutschgesinneten Genossenschaft Zweiter oder Siebenfacher Liljen-Zunft Vorbericht / ausgefaertiget durch Den Faertigen 1679 Poetry German

Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Bunyan, John The Holy War Made by King Shaddai Upon Diabolus, to Regain the Metropolis of the World, Or, The Losing and Taking Again of the Town of Mansoul 1682 Prose English None Margin None Slights, William W.E. “'Marginall Notes That Spoile the Text': Scriptural Annotation in the English Renaissance.” Huntington Library Quarterly, vol. 55, no. 2, 1992, pp. 255–78. Mostly summaries of the passages rather than explanations/additional information
Dryden, John Religio laici: or, A layman's faith. A poem. 1682 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Wood, Thomas Juvenalis redivivus, or, The first satyr of Juvenal taught to speak plain English 1683 Poetry English None; Number/letter before item Endnote at very end; Footnote None; Sign/number repeated Weinbrot, Howard D. The Formal Strain: Studies in Augustan Imitation and Satire, U of Chicago P, 1969. p. 27 The imitated Latin passages are printed as footnotes, the annotations proper appear as endnotes.
Behn, Aphra A Letter to a Brother of the Pen in Tribulation 1684 Poetry English Number/letter before item Footnote Sign/number repeated Zerby, Chuck. The Devil's Details: A History of Footnotes, Invisible Cities Press, 2002. pp. 49-52
Redi, Francesco Bacco in Toscana 1685 Poetry Italian

Pfersmann, Andréas. “Le siège de Commentariopolis ou heurs et malheurs de l'autorité.” La note d'autorité: Aperçus historiques (XVIe - XVIIIe s.), edited by Armand Colin, Champion, 2007, pp. 75–122. Littératures classiques 64.
Stanisławska, Anna Transakcja albo opisanie całego życia jednej sieroty przez żałosne treny od tejże samej pisane roku 1685 Poetry Polish

Found here: https://www.dur.ac.uk/resources/imems/OtherEvents/selfcommentary_conferenceprogramme.pdf
Dryden, John A poem, in defence of the Church of England; in opposition to the Hind and panther 1688 Poetry English None Margin None

Dryden, John Annus mirabilis. The year of wonders, M.DC.LXVI. An historical poem. Also a poem on the happy restoration and return of His late Sacred Majesty Charles the Second. Likewise a panegyrick on His coronation. Together with a poem to my Lord Chancellor presented o New-Years-day. 1662. 1688 Poetry English Number/letter before item Other Quote; Sign/number repeated Lund, Roger D. “From Oblivion to Dulness: Pope and the Poetics of Appropriation.” Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, vol. 14, no. 2, 1991, pp. 171–89. doi:10.1111/j.1754-0208.1991.tb00502.x. The annotations appear directly below the annotated stanza.
Farewell, James The Irish Hudibras, or, Fingallian prince : taken from the sixth book of Virgil's Æneids, and adapted to the present times 1689 Poetry English Number/letter before item; Sign before item Footnote; Margin Sign/number repeated Weinbrot, Howard D. The Formal Strain: Studies in Augustan Imitation and Satire, U of Chicago P, 1969. p. 27 Translates Irish dialect in the margins and provides the imitated Latin passages in the footnotes.
Lohenstein, Daniel Casper von Großmüthiger Feldherr Arminius 1689-1690 Prose German

Eckstein, Evelyn. Fussnoten: Anmerkungen zu Poesie und Wissenschaft, Lit, 2001. 73-79.
D'Urfey, Thomas Collin's walk through London and Westminster, a poem in burlesque. Written by T. D. gent 1690 Poetry English Number/letter before item Endnote at very end Sign/number repeated

Weber, Immanuel Poetische Lust-Kinder : bestehend in Liebes-Lust/ Hochzeit-Lust/ Glückwünschungs-Lust/ und allerhand vermischten Lust-Gedichten/ nebst einigen Anmerckungen 1695 Poetry German

Garth, Samuel The Dispensary 1699 Poetry English Sign before item Margin Sign/number repeated
Very few annotations, very short ones.

Some annotations are presented as footnotes, some appear in the margin and some between the lines of the poem.
Wernicke, Christian Ein Heldengedicht, Hans Sachs genannt 1702 Poetry German

Pfersmann, Andréas. “Le siège de Commentariopolis ou heurs et malheurs de l'autorité.” La note d'autorité: Aperçus historiques (XVIe - XVIIIe s.), edited by Armand Colin, Champion, 2007, pp. 75–122. Littératures classiques 64.
Wernicke, Christian Poetischer Versuch, In einem Helden-Gedicht Und etlichen Schäffer-Gedichten, Mehrentheils aber in Uberschrifften bestehend, Als welche letztere in zehn Bücher eingetheilet, aufs neue übersehen, in vielen hundert Oertern verändert, und nebst den zwey letzten Büchern mit vielen neuen Uberschrifften hin und her vermehrt sind : Mit durchgehenden Anmerckungen und Erklärungen. 1704 Poetry German None Other Quote

Swift, Jonathan A Tale of a Tub 1704 (notes only added in 1710, 5th ed.) Prose English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated Chatsiou, Ourania. Paratext and Poetics in British Romantic-Period Literature. Unpublished PhD thesis, 2009. 42f.

Huber, Alexander. Paratexte in der englischen Erzählprosa des 18. Jahrhunderts. M.A. Thesis, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, 1997, users.ox.ac.uk​/~​bodl0153/​elzma.pdf.

Palmeri, Frank. “The Satiric Footnotes of Swift and Gibbon.” The Eighteenth Century, vol. 31, no. 3, 1990, pp. 245–62.

Pfersmann, Andréas. “Le siège de Commentariopolis ou heurs et malheurs de l'autorité.” La note d'autorité: Aperçus historiques (XVIe - XVIIIe s.), edited by Armand Colin, Champion, 2007, pp. 75–122. Littératures classiques 64.

Pfersmann, Andréas. “Les gloses de Martinus Scribblerus ou du bon usage de l'autorité dans le discours.” Lugares Textuais do Romance, edited by Alckmar Luiz dos Santos, Florianópolis, 2001, 213-248.

Bordelon, Laurent Mital ou avantures incroyables, et toute-fois, et caetera 1708 Prose French

Swift, Jonathan A Famous Prediction of Merlin, the British Wizard, Written Above a Thousand Years Ago, and Relating to the Present Year, 1709. With Explanatory Notes. By T.N. Philomath 1709 Poetry English None Endnote at very end Quote

Anonymous The fall and restoration of man : a poem, occasion'd by St. Paul's words, I Cor. XV. 22., As in Adam all die; even so in Christ shall all be made alive : address'd to a lady 1710 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Bordelon, Laurent L'histoire des imaginations extravagantes de monsieur Oufle 1710 Prose French Number/letter after item Footnote Sign/number repeated Kerby-Miller, Charles, editor. Memoirs of the Extraordinary Life, Works, and Discoveries of Martinus Scriblerus, OUP, 1988. p. 69.
Colvil, Samuel The Whiggs supplication, or, The Scotch-Hudibras, a mock-poem. In two parts 1710 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated
Many annotations, sometimes also long ones
Perkins, Joseph A poem on the death of the Rt. Reverend Father in God, Thomas Kenn 1711 Poetry English Sign before item Margin Sign/number repeated

Ellwood, Thomas Davideis: The life of David King of Israel: A sacred poem. In five books 1712 Poetry English None Margin None

Oldmixon, John Anna triumphans : a congratulatory poem on the peace 1713 Poetry English Sign before item Margin Sign/number repeated
Very few annotations, very short ones
Saint-Hyacinthe, Thémiseul de Chef d'oeuvre d'un inconnu, poëme heureusement découvert & mis au jour avec des remarques savantes & recherchées 1714 Poetry French None Endnote at very end Quote Bessire, François. “Les suites comiques de l'érudition: la note parodique de Saint-Hyacinthe à Du Laurens.” Notes. Études sur l'annotation en littérature, edited by Jean-Claude Arnould and Claudine Poulouin, Presses universitaires de Rouen et du Havre, 2008, 243-256.

Correard, Nicolas. “Pots-pourris de vers et de proses: De la satire ménippé au tribunal critique des Lumières (Saint-Hyacinthe, Pope).” Verse et Prose: Formes alternatives, formes hybrides, edited by Philippe Postel, 2014, pp. 1–32. 1.

Correard, Nicolas, et al. Introduction. L' herméneutique fictionnalisée: Quand l'interprétation s'invite dans la fiction, edited by Nicolas Correard et al., Classiques Garnier, 2014, pp. 7–21. Rencontres 9.

Dürrenmatt, Jacques. “Glissements de notes: gloses, commentaires et déviations.” Dix-septième siècle, vol. 224, no. 3, 2004, pp. 413–27.

Lelouch, Claire. “Le péritexte au service de la formation des esprits: L’exemple du Chef d’œuvre d’un Inconnu de Saint-Hyacinthe (1714).” Littératures classiques, vol. 37, 1998, pp. 185–99.

Méchoulan, Eric. “Les deux vies de Saint-Hyacinthe: Dans les marges du Dr Mathanasius.” Tangence, vol. 57, 1998, pp. 23–39.

Pfersmann, Andréas. “Le siège de Commentariopolis ou heurs et malheurs de l'autorité.” La note d'autorité: Aperçus historiques (XVIe - XVIIIe s.), edited by Armand Colin, Champion, 2007, pp. 75–122. Littératures classiques 64.

Branca-Rosoff, Sonia. “Une Parodie du Commentaire Littéraire: Le Chef d'Oeuvre d'un Inconnu (Saint-Hyacinthe).”

Mulsow, Martin. “Subversive Kommentierung: Burleske Kommentarparodien, Gegenkommentare und Libertinismus in der frühen Neuzeit.” 152-153

Mulsow, Martin. Die unanständige Gelehrtenrepublik: Wissen, Libertinage und Kommunikation in der Frühen Neuzeit, Metzler, 2007.
2 pages of poetry; 179 pages of annotations (including 5 pages of note variorum at the end)

Many other paratextual features --> possible influence on Pope's Dunciad
Ninnyhammer, Nickydemus [pseud.] Homer in a Nutshell: or, the Iliad of Homer in Immortal Doggrel 1715 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Ward, Thomas England's Reformation: from the time of King Henry VIII, to the end of Oates's plot, a poem, in four canto's with large marginal notes, according to the original 1716 Poetry English None Margin None

Gay, John Trivia: or, the art of walking the streets of London 1716 Poetry English None Margin None
Summaries of the text rather than explanations
Baynard, Edward Health : a poem shewing how to procure, preserve, and restore it 1716 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated
very few annotations
Gay, Joseph The art of dress : a poem 1717 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Wardlaw, Elizabeth Hardyknute: a fragment. Being the first canto of an epick poem; with general remarks, and notes. 1719 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote; Margin Quote; Sign/number repeated
Only annotated in a later edition
Holland, Samuel The spaniard : or, Don Zara del Fogo: translated from the original Spanish by Basilius Musophilus. With notes to Explain the true Meaning of the Author. With a most Ingenious Dedication to the World 1719 Prose English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat Lettres persanes 1721 Prose French Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated Séité, Yannick. Du livre au lire: La nouvelle Héloïse: Roman des Lumières, Champion, 2002. p. 274
Dart, John Westminster-abbey: a poem 1721 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated
Very few annotations, very short ones
Racine, Louis La Grâce 1722 Poetry French

Menant, Sylvain. “Voltaire dans le contexte: Les notes de Louis Racine et le genre du poème annoté.” Les notes de Voltaire: Une écriture polyphonique, edited by Nicholas Cronk et al., Voltaire Foundation, 2003, 84-94.
Voltaire La Henriade : poème avec les notes et variantes ; suivi de l'Essai sur la poésie épique 1723 Poetry French Number/letter after item Endnote at very end Sign/number repeated
Notes are indicated by a number, variants by a letter.

Also known as:
La Ligue, ou, Henry le Grand : poëme épique (there are some differences between the two versions)
Hauksbee, Francis The patch. : An heroi-comical poem. (With advice to Chloe, how to make use of that beautiful ornament of the face.) In three cantos. ... To which is added, The Welch wedding. A poem. ... / By a gentleman of Oxford 1723/1724 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Amhurst, Nicholas Oculus Britanniae; an heroi-panegyrical poem on the University of Oxford. Illustrated with divers beautiful similes, and useful digressions 1724 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Reynolds, John View of death: or, the soul's departure from the world. A philosophical sacred poem, with a copious body of explanatory notes, … 1725 Poetry English Number/letter before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Baker, Henry The universe. A poem. Intended to restrain the pride of man 1727 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated
very long annotations
Gay, John The shepherd's week. In six pastorals. By Mr. J. Gay. 1728 Poetry English None Footnote Line

Young, Edward Love of fame, the universal passion. In Seven Characteristical satires 1728 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated
Very few annotations, very short ones.
Tickell, Thomas A poem in praise of the horn-book : written by a gentleman in England, under a fit of the gout 1728 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated
Very few annotations, very short ones.
Curll, Edmund Codrus: or, the Dunciad dissected. Being the finishing-stroke. To which is added, farmer Pope and his son. A tale. By Mr. Philips. 1728 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Ramsay, Allan Poems 1728 Poetry English None Footnote Line; Quote

Desaguliers, J.T. The Newtonian system of the world, the best model of government: an allegorical poem. With a plain and intelligible account of the system of the world, by way of annotations ... To which is added, Cambria's complaint against the intercalary day in the leap-year. By J.T. Desaguliers 1728 Poetry English None Footnote Line; Quote
Very long annotations
Suffolk, Edward Howard, Earl of Greenwich-Park: humbly inscribed to his Grace the Duke of Montagu. To which are added, poems, &c. on several occasions. 1728 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated
Very few annotations, very short ones.

When an annotation refers to a phrase (like here "so vile a *Name"), the indication is usually before the noun.
Curteis, Thomas Eirenodia: A poem sacred to peace, and the promoting of human happiness. Inscrib'd to his grace, the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury 1728 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Anonymous A Poem humbly inscrib'd to the gentlemen of the Oxfordshire Society 1728 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Anonymous A Poem presented to His Excellency William Burnet Esq; on his arrival at Boston 1728 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Edwards, Samuel The Copernican system, a poem 1728 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated
Very few annotations, very short ones
Stanhope, Hugh The progress of dulness. By an eminent hand. Which will serve for an explanation of the Dunciad. 1728 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Anonymous To my worthy friend T--- S--- D.D. on his incomparable translation of, and notes on Persius 1728 ? Poetry English Number/letter before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Ralph, James Zeuma: or the love of liberty. A poem. In three books 1728 or 1729 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Pope, Alexander The Dunciad 1728-1743 (first annotated ed. 1729) Poetry English None Footnote Line; Quote

Namby Pamby [pseud.] Durgen, a satyr, to the celeberted [sic] Mr. P--------pe, on his Dunciad 1729 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Haller, Albrecht von Die Alpen 1729 Poetry German

Eckstein, Evelyn. Fussnoten: Anmerkungen zu Poesie und Wissenschaft, Lit, 2001. 98-99.
Anonymous The Dulcinead variorum: A satyrical poem, in hudibrastick verse 1729 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated
The title and the fact that the annotations are titled "remarks" suggests that this was inspired by Pope's Dunciad.
Anonymous The coachman's wish: or, a familiar epistle by way of dialogue between Thomas and Grizel 1729 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Bignon, Jean Paul The adventures of Abdallah son of Hanif, who was sent by the Sultan of the Indies to discover the fountain of Borico, which restores past youth 1729 Prose English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Anonymous Tea. A poem. Or, ladies into china-cups; a metamorphosis 1729 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated
Very few annotations, very short ones
Anonymous A Poem humbly inscrib'd to the gentlemen of the Oxfordshire Society 1729 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated
Very few annotations, very short ones
Bramston, James The art of politicks, in imitation of Horace's Art of poetry. 1729 Poetry English Number/letter before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Anonymous [J.W.] Dotage. A poem, inscrib'd to a gentleman within a few years of his grand-climacterick. 1729 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated
Very few annotations, very short ones
Several, published by James Ralph Miscellaneous poems / by several hands, particularly the D---of W---n, Sir Samuel Garth, Dean S,̲̲̲ Mr. John Hughes, Mr. Thomson, Mrs. Cr̲̲̲ ; publish'd by Mr. Ralph. 1729 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated
Very few annotations
Duckett, George Pope Alexander's supremacy and infallibility examin'd; and the errors of Scriblerus and his man William detected 1729 Poetry English None Footnote Quote
The annotations appear for the poem "The Martiniad" and are designed to look similar to those in Pope's Dunciad (divided into two columns, etc.)
Jenyns, Soame The art of dancing, a poem, in three canto's 1729 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Harvey, John The life of Robert Bruce, king of Scots. A poem 1729 Poetry English None Footnote Quote
Very few annotations, very short ones
Breval, John Henry and Minerva. A poem. 1729 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Anonymous [R.W.] The christian priest. A poem sacred to the memory of the truly reverend, learned, and pious Dr. Samuel Clarke Late Rector of St. James's 1729 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Hay, William Mount Caburn. A poem humbly inscribed to her Grace, the Dutchess of Newcastle 1730 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Cooke, Thomas The candidates for the bays. A poem. Written by Scriblerus Tertius 1730 Poetry English Number/letter before item; Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Welsted, Leonard One Epistle to Mr. A. Pope, Occasion'd by Two Epistles Lately Published 1730 Poetry English Number/letter before item; Sign before item Foot- and endnotes Quote; Sign/number repeated
Short notes: footnotes, indicated by sign
Longer notes: endnotes, indicated by letter and introduced by quote
Gulliver, Martin [pseud.] The censoriad: a poem. Written originally by Martin Gulliver 1730 Poetry English None Footnote Line

Fielding, Henry The Tragedy of Tragedies; or, The Life and Death of Tom Thumb the Great, […] With the annotations of H. Scriblerus Secundus 1731 Drama English Number/letter before item Footnote Sign/number repeated Cahn, Michael. “Fußnoten auf der Bühne, Maden im Text: Henry Fieldings Tom Thumb.” Am Rande bemerkt: Anmerkungspraktiken in literarischen Texten, edited by Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik, Kadmos, 2008, 101-114.

Irwin, W. R. “Satire and Comedy in the Works of Henry Fielding.” ELH, vol. 13, no. 3, 1946, pp. 168–88.

Liscow, Christian Ludwig Kurtze, Aber dabey deutliche und erbauliche Anmerckungen, Über die Klägliche Geschichte, Von der Jämmerlichen Zerstöhrung Der Stadt Jerusalem 1732 Prose German None Other Quote Martens, Wolfgang. “Von Thomasius bis Lichtenberg: Zur Gelehrtensatire der Aufklärung.” Lessing Yearbook, vol. 10, 1978, pp. 7–34.

Mulsow, Martin. Die unanständige Gelehrtenrepublik: Wissen, Libertinage und Kommunikation in der Frühen Neuzeit, Metzler, 2007.
Annotations published in a separate volume
Liscow, Christian Ludwig Briontes der Jüngere, oder Lobrede auf den Hochedelgebohrnen und Hochgelahrten Herrn, Hrn. D. Johann Ernst Philippi, öffentlicher Professor der deutschen Beredsamkeit auf der Universität Halle, wie auch Chursächsischen immatriculirten Advocaten etc. etc. nach den Regeln einer natürlichen, männlichen und heroischen Beredsamkeit, gehalten in der Gesellschaft der kleinen Geister, in Deutschland, von einem unwürdigen Mitgliede dieser zahlreichen Gesellschaft 1732 Prose German Number/letter after item Footnote Sign/number repeated
Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Liscow, Christian Ludwig Unparteyische Untersuchung der Frage: Ob die bekannte Satyre, Briontes der Jüngere, oder Lobrede auf den Herrn D. Johann Ernst Philippi, Professor der deutschen Wohlredenheit auf der Universität Halle, mit entsetzlichen Religionsspöttereyen angefüllet, und eine strafbare Schrift sey? Bey welcher Gelegenheit zugleich augenscheinlich gezeiget wird, daß der Herr Prof. Philippi die Schrift: Gleiche Brüder, gleiche Kappen etc. unmöglich gemacht haben könne 1732 Prose German None Margin None
Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Anonymous ["A Templar"] The sequel of Mr. Pope's law-case : Or, Farther advice thereon: in an epistle to him. With a short preface and postscript. By a templer. * *See the publisher's advertisement. With notes explanatory, critical and jocese. By another hand, also a brother of the quill 1733 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Chandler, Mary The description of Bath; a poem 1733 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated
Very few annotations, very short ones
Liscow, Christian Ludwig Der sich selbst entdeckende X. Y. Z. Oder L-c-s H-rm-n B-ckm-st-rs, Rev. Minist. Candidati, aufrichtige Anzeige der Ursachen, die ihn bewogen, die Geschichte von der Zerstöhrung der Stadt Jerusalem mit kurzen Anmerkungen zu erläutern, und diese Anmerkungen unter einem falschen Namen ans Licht zu stellen, zur Beruhigung und zum Trost des (S. T.) Herrn Magister Sievers, imgleichen zur Rettung der Unschluld seiner Absichten wider allerhand ungleiche Urheile und Deutungen zum Drucke befördert 1733 Prose German

Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Liscow, Christian Ludwig Stand- oder Antritts-Rede, welche der (S.T.) Herr D. Johann Ernst Philippi, öffentlicher Professor der deutschen Wohlredenheit zu Halle, den 21sten December 1732. in der Gesellschaft der kleinen Geister gehalten, samt der Ihm darauf, im Namen der ganzen löblichen Gesellschaft der kleinen Geister, von dem (S.T.) Herrn B. G. R. S. F. M. als Aeltesten der Gesellschaft, gewordenen höflichen Antwort. Auf Befehl und Kosten der Gesellschaft der kleinen Geister zum Drucke befordert 1733 Prose German Number/letter after item Footnote Sign/number repeated
Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Crébillon (fils) Tanzaï et Néadarné [sometimes known as L'Écumoire, histoire japonaise] 1734 Prose French

Eckstein, Evelyn. Fussnoten: Anmerkungen zu Poesie und Wissenschaft, Lit, 2001. 14-15. The novel does, in fact, not contain annotations. According to the fictional editor, the original novel was translated several times and one of the translators added annotations that were, in turn, omitted by another translator.
Jacob, Hildebrand Brutus the Trojan, founder of the British empire; an epic poem 1735 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Somerville, William The chace. A poem 1735 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated
Very few annotations, very short ones
V.S.P. Wolverdiente Bestraffung Deß Unverschamt- und Eselhafften Calumnianten, So unter dem erdichten Namen Sinceri Pistophili Die Buß- und Fasten-Predig seiner hoch-fürstl. Gnaden Leopoldi Antonii Eleutherii, Ertz-Bischoffen […] zu Salzburg, [et]c. [et]c. Mit lächerlichst- und allerunvernünftigsten Anmerckungen Nachzudrucken sich freventlichist unternommen; Nun aber mit behörigen Antworten und wohlgemessenen Correctionen öffentlich beschämet 1736 Prose German Number/letter before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Fieux de Mouhy, Charles de La Mouche ou Les Espiègleries et avantures galantes de Bigand 1736 Prose French

Dürrenmatt, Jacques. “Notes intertextuelles chez Stendhal et Louvet.” L'espace de la note, edited by Jacques Dürrenmatt and Andréas Pfersmann, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2004, 127-140.
King, William Toast. An heroick poem in four books, written originally in Latin, by Frederick Scheffer: now done into English, and illustrated with notes and observations, by Peregrine Odonald Esq. 1736 Poetry English None Footnote Line

Browne, Isaac Hawkins A Pipe of Tobacco. In imitation of six several authors. 1736 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Anonymous ["
Gentleman in the Navy "]
The beeriad : or, progress of drink. An heroic poem, in two cantos. The first being an imitation of the first book of Mr. Pope's Dunciad; the second a description of a ram feast, held annually in a particular small District of Hampshire. By a Gentleman in the Navy. To which is annex'd a figurative moral tale upon Liberty, in Verse; And a Metaphorical Description of a certain Man of War in Prose: With a proper Preface to the whole: And Explanatory Notes to the Beeriad 1736 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated Robertson, Ritchie. Mock-Epic Poetry from Pope to Heine, OUP, 2009. pp. 100.
Anonymous The session of the critics : or, the contention for the nettle. A poem. To which is added, a dialogue between a player and a poet. With Notes, Explanatory and Critical, after the Manner of the Learned Dr. Bentley. 1737 Poetry English Number/letter before item Footnote Sign/number repeated
It is very probable that the annotations were inspired by Pope's Dunciad.
Hildebrand, Jacob The progress of religion. A poem 1737 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated
Very few annotations, very short ones
Bancks, John Love atones for little crimes: an ethic epistle, by way of apology for a darling passion. Cum notis variorum 1738 Poetry English None Footnote Line; Quote

Bancks, John Miscellaneous works, in verse and prose, of John Bancks. Adorned with sculptures and illustrated with notes 1738 Poetry English None Footnote Line; Quote

Lamprecht, Jakob Friedrich Der Stundenrufer zu Ternate 1739 Prose German

Pfersmann, Andréas. “Le siège de Commentariopolis ou heurs et malheurs de l'autorité.” La note d'autorité: Aperçus historiques (XVIe - XVIIIe s.), edited by Armand Colin, Champion, 2007, pp. 75–122. Littératures classiques 64. very long annotations; usually only one line of the main text per page
Conti, Antonio Sonetti filosofici 1739 Poetry Italian

Piaia, Gregorio. “L' autocommento nei sonetti filosofici di Antonio Conti.” L' autocommento: Atti del XVIII convegno interuniversitario (Bressanone, 1990), edited by Gianfelice Peron, Esedra Ed, 1994, 81-91.
Straube, Gottlob Benjamin Der Dichter Treflichkeit die schwer zu lesen sind : Sr. Wohledlen, Herrn Theodor Lebrecht Pitscheln, bey Gelegenheit Seiner den 25 Hornung, im 1740 Jahre angenommenen Magisterwürde zugeeignet, und überall mit Erklärungen und Anmerkungen begleitet 1740 Poetry German

Somerville, William Hobbinol; or, The rural games. A burlesque poem, in blank verse 1740 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Anonymous Gedichte Vom dreyfachen Unechten, Und dem Einigen Wahren Doctorat : Jn Siberien von einem redlichen Teutschen Berg-Rath S. Z. M. entworffen, Einem Freund in der Wetterau communiciret, Und von diesem zum Druck übergeben. Nebst einigen Anmerckungen und Nachrede des verlegenden Philosophischen Editoris, Deme beygefüget Die wichtige Rechen-Kunst Jn Zeit und Ewigkeit 1740 Poetry German

Rabener, Gottlieb Wilhelm Von der Vortrefflichkeit der Glückwünschungsschreiben 1741 Prose German Number/letter after item Footnote Sign/number repeated Eckstein, Evelyn. Fussnoten: Anmerkungen zu Poesie und Wissenschaft, Lit, 2001. pp. 109-110.

Martens, Wolfgang. “Von Thomasius bis Lichtenberg: Zur Gelehrtensatire der Aufklärung.” Lessing Yearbook, vol. 10, 1978, pp. 7–34.

Mulsow, Martin. Die unanständige Gelehrtenrepublik: Wissen, Libertinage und Kommunikation in der Frühen Neuzeit, Metzler, 2007.
The annotations are ascribed to Martin Scribler dem Jüngeren [the younger].
Fielding, Henry The Vernoniad, Done into English, from the original Greek of Homer. Lately found at Constantinople. With notes in usum, &c. 1741 Poetry English Number/letter before item Footnote Quote; Sign/number repeated Power, Henry. “Henry Fielding, Richard Bentley, and the 'Sagacious Reader' of Tom Jones.” Review of English Studies, vol. 61, no. 252, 2010, pp. 749–72.

Robertson, Ritchie. Mock-Epic Poetry from Pope to Heine, OUP, 2009. 100.

Goldgar, Bertrand A. “'The Learned English Dog': Fielding's Mock Scholarship.” Augustan Subjects: Essays in Honor of Martin C. Battestin, edited by Albert J. Rivero, U of Delaware Press, 1997, 192-206.

Pope, Alexander [and others] Memoirs of the Extraordinary Life, Works, and Discoveries of Martinus Scriblerus 1741 Prose English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Anonymous Sawney and Colley: A Poetical Dialogue: Occasioned by a Late Letter from the Laureat of St. James's, to the Homer of Twickenham 1742 Poetry English

Unfortunately, I could not find a digitised version of this work.
Racine, Louis La Religion 1742 Poetry French

Menant, Sylvain. “Voltaire dans le contexte: Les notes de Louis Racine et le genre du poème annoté.” Les notes de Voltaire: Une écriture polyphonique, edited by Nicholas Cronk et al., Voltaire Foundation, 2003, 84-94.
Rost, Johann Christoph Das Vorspiel : Ein Episches Gedicht 1742 Poetry German

West, Gilbert The institution of the Order of the Garter. A dramatick poem 1742 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Müller, Gottfried Ephraim Gedanken über eine schoene Gegend : P.** den 29. Aug. 1742. 1742 Poetry German

Love, James Cricket: An Heroic Poem. Ilustrated with the Critical Observations of Scriblerus Maximus 1742? Poetry English None Footnote Line; Quote Marshall, Ashley. “The Myth of Scriblerus.” Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, vol. 31, no. 1, 2008, pp. 77–99. doi:10.1111/j.1754-0208.2008.00005.x.
Phelps, J. The human barometer: Or, Living weather-glass. A philosophick poem 1743 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Quote

Anonymous Mr. P-pe's picture in miniature, but as like as it can stare; a poem: with notes. 1743 Poetry English None Footnote Line; Quote

Triller, Daniel Wilhelm Der Sächsische Prinzenraub, Oder Der wohlverdiente Köhler : In Einem Gedichte fürgestellet, In vier Bücher abgetheilet, mit feinen Kupfern gezieret, auch mit historischen Anmerckungen, und einem dergleichen Anhange / nebst Einer Ode erläutert 1743 Poetry German

Miller, James The H-r heroes: Or, A song of triumph. In laud of the immortal conduct, and marvellous exploits of those choise spirits, during the last campaign 1744 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Gratian, Theodorus [pseud.] The richardiad. A satire. Translated from a Greek fragment of Petronius Arbiter, by Theodorus Gratian. With notes variorum. 1744 Poetry English Number/letter before item Footnote Quote; Sign/number repeated

Akenside, Mark Epistle to Curio 1744 Poetry English None Footnote Line
Very few annotations
Cannon, Thomas Apollo; a poem: or the Origin of the world assign'd. With reflections upon human nature 1744 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Anonymous The deviliad. An Heroic poem 1744 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Akenside, Mark The pleasures of imagination; a poem in three books 1744 Poetry English None Footnote Quote
Very long annotations
Merrick, John Heliocrene. A poem in Latin and English, on the chalybeate well at Sunning-Hill in Windsor Forest. 1744 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Anonymous Pope's ghost: a ballad. To the tune of William and Margaret. 1744 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Anonymous The review. A poem. Inscrib'd to the Right Honourable the Earl of Litchfield 1744 Poetry English Number/letter before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Anonymous Sophron: a poem. Occasion'd by the death of the late Revd. Mr. Robert Wright. 1744 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Warton, Thomas The enthusiast: or, the lover of nature. A poem. 1744 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Armstrong, John The art of preserving health: a poem 1744 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated
Very few annotations, very short ones
Whitehead, Paul Gymnasiad, or boxing match. A very short, but very curious epic poem. With the prolegomena of Scriblerus Tertius, and notes variorum. 1744 Poetry English None Footnote Line; Quote

Hawkins, William The thimble, an heroi-comical poem, in four cantos. Dedicated to Miss Anna-Maria Woodford. By a gentleman of Oxford 1744 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Grierson, George Hamilton A prophecy and poem, wrote by Dr. George Hamilton Grierson: Upon Britain's Arms conquering their enemies, printed May the 5th, 1743 1744? Poetry English None Margin None

Rabener, Gottlieb Wilhem Hinkmars von Repkow Noten ohne Text. 1745 Prose German None Other Quote Eckstein, Evelyn. Fussnoten: Anmerkungen zu Poesie und Wissenschaft, Lit, 2001. pp. 111-113

Koppenfels, Werner von. Der andere Blick, oder, Das Vermächtnis des Menippos: Paradoxe Perspektiven in der europäischen Literatur, C.H. Beck, 2007. p. 259

Pfersmann, Andréas. “La secte des autonotistes: idées sur le roman annoté.” Fondements, évolutions et persistance des théories du roman, edited by Andréas Pfersmann and Bernard Alazet, Lettres Modernes, pp. 75–86.

Zubarik, Sabine. “Präsenter Mangel – abwesendes Material: Fußnoten in literarischen Texten.” Figuren der Absenz: Figures de l'absence, edited by Anke Grutschus and Peter Krilles, Frank & Timme, 2010, pp. 33–46.
The annotations exist without a main text to which they could refer.
Voltaire La Bataille de Fontenoy 1745 Poetry French

Vercruysse, Jeroom. “Les notes du Poème de Fontenoy.” Les notes de Voltaire: Une écriture polyphonique, edited by Nicholas Cronk et al., Voltaire Foundation, 2003, 255-269.
Brooke, Henry The quack-Doctor. A poem. As originally spoke at the Free Grammar School in Manchester. With Notes Critical and Explanatory. Interspersed with proper Observations upon the Design, Conduct, and Execution of it. 1745 Poetry English None Footnote Line; Quote
Most likely inspired by Pope's Dunciad
G---CK, J-- M-- Z-- von Warhaffte allegorische Beschreibung, was sich Anno 1744. bey der Belagerung Bregentz zugetragen […] Mit critischen, historischen, philosophischen, philologischen, moralischen, theologischen, juridischen, physicalischen Anmerckungen 1746 Prose German Number/letter before item Footnote Quote; Sign/number repeated

Shepherd, Samuel Leixlip: a poem. Inscribed to the Right Honourable William Conolly, Esq 1747 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Warton, Thomas The pleasures of melancholy; a poem 1747 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated
Very few annotations
Graffigny, Françoise de Lettres d’une Péruvienne 1747 Prose French Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated Séité, Yannick. Du livre au lire: La nouvelle Héloïse: Roman des Lumières, Champion, 2002. p. 274
Barrett, Stephen War, an epic satyr. Setting forth the nature of Fr-ch policy, and the true cause of the present commotions in Europe. In four canto's 1747 Poetry English None Footnote Line; Quote

Voltaire La Prude 1747 (first staged) Drama French

Goulbourne, Russell. “De la mise en scène à la mise en page: les notes dans le théâtre comique de Voltaire.” Les notes de Voltaire: Une écriture polyphonique, edited by Nicholas Cronk et al., Voltaire Foundation, 2003, 245-254.
Richardson, Samuel Clarissa 1747-1748 Prose English

Moravetz, Monika. Formen der Rezeptionslenkung im Briefroman des 18. Jahrhunderts: Richardsons Clarissa, Rousseaus Nouvelle Héloïse und Laclos' Liaisons dangereuses, Narr, 1990.

Picard, Hans Rudolf. Die Illusion der Wirklichkeit im Briefroman des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts, Winter, 1971.

Mallet, David Amyntor and Theodora: or, The hermit. A poem in three cantos. 1748 Poetry English None Footnote Line

Fielding, Henry Tom Jones 1749 Prose English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated Benstock, Shari. “At the Margin of Discourse: Footnotes in the Fictional Text.” PMLA, vol. 98, no. 2, 1983, pp. 204–25. doi:10.2307/462046.

Huber, Alexander. Paratexte in der englischen Erzählprosa des 18. Jahrhunderts. M.A. Thesis, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, 1997, users.ox.ac.uk​/~​bodl0153/​elzma.pdf.

Selden, Amhurst Love and folly. A poem. In four canto's 1749 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Hill, Aaron Gideon; or, The patriot. : An epic poem in twelve books. Upon a Hebrew plan. In honour of the two chief virtues of a people; intrepidity in foreign war: and spirit of domestic liberty. With miscellaneous notes, and large reflections, upon different subjects 1749 Poetry English None Endnote after chapter/canto Line; Quote
Probably one of the first poems to have endnotes.
Rolt, Richard Cambria. A poem, in three books: illustrated with historical, critical & explanatory notes. Humbly inscribed to ... Prince George. 1749 Poetry English None Footnote Line; Quote

Anonymous The Quarrel between Venus and Hymen: An heroi-satyrical mythological poem, in imitation of the antients: In VI. cantos. Found among the papers of a very learned antiquarian, and published for the benefit of posterity, with notes 1750 Poetry English Number/letter after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Anonymous Modern courtezan, an heroic poem. Inscrib'd to Miss F----y M----y. With notes, critical, historical, explanatory, and comical, prefix'd. 1750 Poetry English Number/letter before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Hagedorn, Friedrich von Moralische Gedichte 1750 Poetry German Number/letter after item Footnote Sign/number repeated Eckstein, Evelyn. Fussnoten: Anmerkungen zu Poesie und Wissenschaft, Lit, 2001. 83-94.

Pfersmann, Andréas. Séditions infrapaginales: Poétique historique de l'annotation littéraire (XVIIe-XXIe siècles), Droz, 2011.
The annotations are marked with numbers in the text, but there is only an asterisk before each annotation proper.
Lavini, Giuseppe Rime filosofiche e varie. 1750 Poetry Italian

Eckstein, Evelyn. Fussnoten: Anmerkungen zu Poesie und Wissenschaft, Lit, 2001. 95.
Galfridus Scriblerus [pseud.] Remarks on Mr. Pope's Epistle of Taste, to the Right Honourable Richard Earl of Burlington. By Galfridus Scriblerus, Martini Scriberi F.N.M. 1751 Poetry English Number/letter before item Footnote Quote; Sign/number repeated Marshall, Ashley. “The Myth of Scriblerus.” Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, vol. 31, no. 1, 2008, pp. 77–99. doi:10.1111/j.1754-0208.2008.00005.x.
Cambridge, Richard Owen The Scribleriad 1751 Poetry English None Footnote Line Kerby-Miller, Charles, editor. Memoirs of the Extraordinary Life, Works, and Discoveries of Martinus Scriblerus, OUP, 1988. p. 65n211

Robertson, Ritchie. Mock-Epic Poetry from Pope to Heine, OUP, 2009. 100; 105ff.

Kenrick, William So much talk'd of and expected old woman's Dunciad, Or, midwife's master-piece ... By Mary Midnight. With historical, critical, and explanatory notes, by Margelina Scribelinda Macularia. 1751 Poetry English None Footnote Line; Quote
Also includes a more 'prosaic' paraphrase (still in verse) of the very fustian poem, which is called "Interpretation".
West, Gilbert Education, a poem: in two cantos. Written in imitation of the style and manner of Spenser's Fairy queen 1751 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Quote; Sign/number repeated

Voltaire La Pucelle d'Orléans 1752 Poetry French

Bessire, François. “Du burlesque au philosophique: Les Notes de La Pucelle.” Les notes de Voltaire: Une écriture polyphonique, edited by Nicholas Cronk et al., Voltaire Foundation, 2003, pp. 270–79.
Kenrick, William The pasquinade. With notes variorum. 1753 Poetry English None Footnote Line; Quote

Smart, Christopher The Hilliad: an epic poem.: By C. Smart, A.M. fellow of Pembroke-Hall, in the University of Cambridge. To which are prefixed, copious prolegomena and notes variorum. Particularly, those of Quinbus Flestrin Esq; and Martinus Macularis, M.D. Acad. Reg. Scient. Burdig. &c. Soc 1753 Poetry English None Footnote Quote

Schönaich, Christoph Otto, von Hrn. Christoph Ottens, Frhrn. von Schönaich, Lieutenants von der Kön. Poln. und Churf. Sächs. Reiterey ... Hermann, oder das befreyte Deutschland : ein Heldengedicht; Mit einigen historischen Anmerkungen und einer komischen Epopee, Der Baron, bereichert; Nebst einer Vorrede / ans Licht gestellet von Joh. Chr. Gottscheden. 1753 Poetry German

Anonymous Chevy-chase, with a preface endeavouring to prove that the author intended the Earl of Douglass for his hero; and notes on some passages of the poem. To which is subjoined, Hardy Knute: a fragment. Being the first canto of an epic poem, with notes. 1754 Poetry English Number/letter after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Anonymous ["Freeholder of Kent"] His Majesty King George the Second, His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, and all the royal family. His Grace the Duke of Dorset, and Fairfax, and Watson, for ever: or, down with the devil, Pope, and Pretender. An heroic poem, with explanatory notes suitable to the present times. By a freeholder of Kent. 1754 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Francklin, Thomas The translation, a poem 1754 Poetry English None Footnote Line; Quote

Stevens, George Alexander Birth-day of folly, an heroi-comical poem, by Peter: with notes variorum, for the illustration of historical passages relating to the hero of the poem, and other remarkable personages 1755 Poetry English None Footnote Line; Quote

Anonymous ["A Spectator"] The nowiad: an heroic poem ... humbly inscrib’d to the most renown’d Tom Thumb the Great, ... With notes historical and critical. By a spectator. 1755 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Stephanus Scriblerus [pseud.] The censor. Numb. I. To be continued occasionally. Containing variety of curious matters; proper to be read by all persons who have attended the Haymarket or the Piazza. With an epistolary dedication to orator Mack---n. By Stephanus Scriblerus, Esq; brother to Martinus. N.B. This has pass'd the approbation of Jerry Buck, Timothy Catcall, and Devil Dick, all of George's Coffee-House, Esquires, Professors of Criticism. 1755 Prose English

Marshall, Ashley. “The Myth of Scriblerus.” Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, vol. 31, no. 1, 2008, pp. 77–99. doi:10.1111/j.1754-0208.2008.00005.x.
Bally, George The justice of the Supreme Being, a poem 1755 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Anonymous A Satire upon physicians, Or An English paraphrase, with notes and references, of Dr. King’s most memorable oration, delivered at the dedication of the Radclivian Library in Oxford. To which is added, a curious petition to an Hon. House, in favour of Dr. King. 1755 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Lefèvre, André; Grosley, Pierre-Jean Mémoires de l'Académie des sciences, inscriptions, belles-lettres, beaux-arts etc, nouvellement établie à Troyes en Champagne 1756 Prose French

Pardo García, Pedro Javier. “Satire on Learning and the Type of the Pedant in Eighteenth-Century Literature.” Bells: Barcelona English language and literature studies, vol. 13, 2004, n.pag. www.raco.cat​/​index.php/​Bells/​article/​view/​82938.
Boccage, Anne-Marie du La Colombiade 1756 Poetry French

Anonymous Britain : a poem in three books 1757 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Gray, Thomas The Progress of Poesy 1757 Poetry English Number/letter after item; Number/letter before item Footnote Sign/number repeated Lipking, Lawrence. “The Marginal Gloss.” Critical Inquiry, vol. 3, no. 4, 1977, pp. 609–55. Notes only added in 1768
Donaldson, William North America, a descriptive poem. Representing the voyage to America, a sketch of that beautiful country; with remarks upon the political humour and singular conduct of its inhabitants. To which are subjoined, notes, … 1757 Poetry English Number/letter before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Anonymous British worthies: or characters of the age. A panegyrico-satirical poem, with notes variorum. To which is prefixed, an address to the shade of the late Lord Viscount Bolingbroke. 1758 Poetry English None Footnote Line; Quote

Hill, Aaron Free thoughts upon faith: or the religion of nature. A poem, with notes. 1758 Poetry English None Footnote Line

Bogatzky, Carl Heinrich, von Das schöne Bild eines recht evangelischen, treuen fleissigen Seelen-Hirtens An dem reitzenden Beyspiel Des weiland Hochwohl-Ehrwürdigen und Hochgelahrten Herrn, Herrn M. Johann Heinrich Sommers, gewesenen treufleissigen Pastoris emeriti zu Schortewitz und Kösitz, als Selbiger den 15ten Mart. 1758. im 83sten Jahre seines rühmlichen Alters und im 55sten seines segensvollen Lehramts zu seines Herren Freude eingegangen / Zur gesegneten Nachfolge Aller Seelen-Hirten ... wohlmeinend entworfen und mit einigen nöthigen Anmerkungen erläutert von Des Wohlseligen alten vertrauten Freunde und Landsmann C. H. v. B. 1758 Poetry German

Reed, Joseph Madrigal and Trulletta. A mock-tragedy: Acted (under the direction of Mr. Cibber) at the Theatre-Royal in Covent-Garden. With notes by the author, and Dr. Humbug, ... By J. Reed. 1758 Drama English Number/letter after item; Number/letter before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Fox, Edmond Enthusiasm: a poem. With notes variorum. For the correction of some, and consolation of others. 1758 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Stelzfuß, Franz Ludwig [pseud.] Wahrhaftige und glaubwürdige Relation von dem großen und Pracht-vollen, solennen Sieges-Feste, so zu Ludwigsburg, im Würtemberger Lande, über den Rußischen Sieg bey Frankfurth an der Oder, gefeyret worden; nebst denen ... wunderbaren Begebenheiten allen frommen Christen in Lehrreichen Anmerkungen und einem erbaulichen Liede mitgetheilet, und auf denen vornehmsten Straßen zu Wien und Regenspurg ... abgesungen von Franz Ludwig Stelzfuß, Weltberühmten Bänkel Sänger zu Ulm in Schwaben 1759 Poetry German

Voltaire Socrate 1759 Drama French

Goulbourne, Russell. “De la mise en scène à la mise en page: les notes dans le théâtre comique de Voltaire.” Les notes de Voltaire: Une écriture polyphonique, edited by Nicholas Cronk et al., Voltaire Foundation, 2003, 245-254.
Sterne, Laurence Tristram Shandy 1759-1767 Prose English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated Benstock, Shari. “At the Margin of Discourse: Footnotes in the Fictional Text.” PMLA, vol. 98, no. 2, 1983, pp. 204–25. doi:10.2307/462046.

Eckstein, Evelyn. Fussnoten: Anmerkungen zu Poesie und Wissenschaft, Lit, 2001. 128-132

Huber, Alexander. Paratexte in der englischen Erzählprosa des 18. Jahrhunderts. M.A. Thesis, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, 1997, users.ox.ac.uk​/~​bodl0153/​elzma.pdf.

Meyer, Herman. Das Zitat in der Erzählkunst: Zur Geschichte und Poetik des europäischen Romans. 2., durchges. Aufl., Metzler, 1967.

Pelagius, Porcupinus [pseud.] Remarkable satires. The causidicade, The triumvirade, The porcupinade, The processionade, The ’piscopade, The scandalizade, and The pasquinade, with notes variorum. 1760 Poetry English None Footnote Line; Quote

Macpherson, James The works of Ossian, the son of Fingal 1760 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated Folkenflik, Robert. “Folklore, Antiquarianism, Scholarship and High Literary Culture.” The Cambridge History of English Literature, 1660 - 1780, edited by John J. Richetti, CUP, 2005, pp. 602–22.

Metz, Bernhard. “Blüten: Falsche Noten bei James Macpherson und Thomas Chatterton.” Am Rande bemerkt: Anmerkungspraktiken in literarischen Texten, edited by Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik, Kadmos, 2008, pp. 115–48.

Simpson, Erik. Literary Minstrelsy, 1770-1830: Minstrels and Improvisers in British, Irish, and American Literature, Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.

Voltaire Le Café ou l’Écossaise 1760 Drama French

Goulbourne, Russell. “De la mise en scène à la mise en page: les notes dans le théâtre comique de Voltaire.” Les notes de Voltaire: Une écriture polyphonique, edited by Nicholas Cronk et al., Voltaire Foundation, 2003, 245-254.
Klingenberg, Philipp Reinhard, von Predig, So in der Baurn-Hochzeit den 13. Febr. Anno 1760. Durch den (Titl) Herrn Baron von Klingenberg, Churfürstl. Kammerern und Obristlieutenant, gehalten, Und von (Titl) Herrn Grafen von Seeau, Churfürstl. Kammerern, und Intendanten der Festinen, in Druck gegeben worden 1760 Poetry German

Keate, George Ancient and modern Rome. A poem. Written at Rome in the year 1755 1760 Poetry English Number/letter after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Voltaire Le pauvre diable 1760 Poetry French

Ferrett, Olivier. “Les systèmes évolutifs de l'annotation des satires en vers, ou les vrais-faux rapports de M. ***.” Les notes de Voltaire: Une écriture polyphonique, edited by Nicholas Cronk et al., Voltaire Foundation, 2003, 288-303.
Anonymous Forever! A poem 1760? Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques Julie, ou La nouvelle Héloïse 1761 Prose French Number/letter after item Footnote Sign/number repeated Crogiez, Michèle. “Voltaire, Rousseau et leurs notes, ou de leurs rapports avec leur lecteur.” Les notes de Voltaire: Une écriture polyphonique, edited by Nicholas Cronk et al., Voltaire Foundation, 2003, 74-83.

Moravetz, Monika. Formen der Rezeptionslenkung im Briefroman des 18. Jahrhunderts: Richardsons Clarissa, Rousseaus Nouvelle Héloïse und Laclos' Liaisons dangereuses, Narr, 1990.

Pfersmann, Andréas. “La secte des autonotistes: idées sur le roman annoté.” Fondements, évolutions et persistance des théories du roman, edited by Andréas Pfersmann and Bernard Alazet, Lettres Modernes, pp. 75–86.

Picard, Hans Rudolf. Die Illusion der Wirklichkeit im Briefroman des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts, Winter, 1971.

Séité, Yannick. “La note infrapaginale est-elle une forme brève ? Le cas de Rousseau, "éditeur" de Julie.” La forme brève, edited by Simone Messina, Champion, 1996, 179-193.

Séité, Yannick. “Les practiques rousseauistes de la note.” Les notes de Voltaire: Une écriture polyphonique, edited by Nicholas Cronk et al., Voltaire Foundation, 2003, 48-73.

Séité, Yannick. Du livre au lire: La nouvelle Héloïse: Roman des Lumières, Champion, 2002.

Siganos, André. “De l'infrapaginal.” Le texte et son commentaire, edited by Catherine Volpilhac-Auger, Université Stendhal-Grenoble, 1997, 11-21.

Francis, Philip A LETTER FROM A Right Honourable PERSON. And the Answer to it, Translated into Verse, as nearly as the different Idioms of PROSE and POETRY will allow. With Notes Historical, Critical, Political, &c. 1761 Poetry English Number/letter before item Footnote Quote; Sign/number repeated

Flagellan, Christopher [pseud.] A funeral discourse, occasioned by the much lamented death of Mr. Yorick, Prebendary of Y--k and author of the much admired life and opinions of Tristram Shandy, Preached before a very mixed Society of Jemmies, Jessamies, Methodists and Christians, At A Nocturnal Meeting in Petticoat Lane, and now published at the unanimous Request of the Hearers by Christopher Flagellan, A. M. and enriched with the Notes of Various Commentators 1761 Prose English Number/letter after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Bushe, Amyas Socrates, a dramatic poem 1762 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated
Some of the annotations also have annotations themselves
Whitehead, William A charge to the poets 1762 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Ossian [pseud. of Macpherson, James] Fingal 1762 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated Metz, Bernhard. “Blüten: Falsche Noten bei James Macpherson und Thomas Chatterton.” Am Rande bemerkt: Anmerkungspraktiken in literarischen Texten, edited by Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik, Kadmos, 2008, pp. 115-48.
Falconer, William The Shipwreck 1762 Poetry English None; Sign after item Footnote Line; Sign/number repeated Jones, William. “William Falconer's The Shipwreck and the Birth of the Dictionary of the Marine.” Annotation in Eighteenth-Century Poetry, edited by Michael Edson, Lexington Books, 2017, 23-43.
Voltaire Saül 1763 Drama French

Cotoni, Marie-Helène. “Les notes de Saül.” Les notes de Voltaire: Une écriture polyphonique, edited by Nicholas Cronk et al., Voltaire Foundation, 2003, 213-222.

Goulbourne, Russell. “De la mise en scène à la mise en page: les notes dans le théâtre comique de Voltaire.” Les notes de Voltaire: Une écriture polyphonique, edited by Nicholas Cronk et al., Voltaire Foundation, 2003, 245-254.

Voltaire Olympie 1763 Drama French

Balcou, Jean. “Olympie et ses notes, ou les remarques historiques d'Olympie.” Les notes de Voltaire: Une écriture polyphonique, edited by Nicholas Cronk et al., Voltaire Foundation, 2003, 207-212.
Ossian [pseud. of Macpherson, James] Temora 1763 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated Metz, Bernhard. “Blüten: Falsche Noten bei James Macpherson und Thomas Chatterton.” Am Rande bemerkt: Anmerkungspraktiken in literarischen Texten, edited by Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik, Kadmos, 2008, pp. 115-48.
Wilkes, John An essay on woman; by Pego Borewell, Esq; with notes by Rogerus Cunæus, Vigerus Mutoniatus, &c. and a commentary by the Rev. Dr. Warburton. Inscribed to Miss Fanny Murray. 1763 Poetry English

Anonymous The Humours of Harrogate, Described in a Letter to a Friend, by J. E. Published from an Authentic Copy of the Original Manuscript: With Notes Descriptive, Historical, Explanatory, Critical, and Hyper-Critical by Martinus Scriblerus 1763 Poetry English Number/letter after item Footnote Sign/number repeated Marshall, Ashley. “The Myth of Scriblerus.” Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, vol. 31, no. 1, 2008, pp. 77–99. doi:10.1111/j.1754-0208.2008.00005.x.
Wieland, Christoph Martin Der Sieg der Natur über die Schwärmerei oder Die Abenteuer des Don Sylvio von Rosalva. Eine Geschichte worin alles Wunderbare natürlich zugeht 1764 Prose German

Bickenbach, Matthias. Von den Möglichkeiten einer "inneren" Geschichte des Lesens, Niemeyer, 1999. 213-217. Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Grainger, James The sugar-Cane: a poem. In four books. With notes. By James Grainger, M.D. &c. 1764 Poetry English None Footnote Line; Quote

Greene, Edward Burnaby Privilege. A poem 1764 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated
Very few annotations, very short ones
Ogilvie, John Providence : an allegorical poem in three books 1764 Poetry English None Footnote Line; Quote

Anonymous Der zufälliger Weise Characterisirte Prinz : mit prosaischen Anmerkungen 1764 Poetry German

Palissot de Montenoy, Charles La Dunciade : Poeme En Dix Chants 1764 (3 books)

1771 (10 books)
Poetry French None Endnote after chapter/canto Quote
The notes are much shorter than those in Pope's English Dunciad.
Shaw, Cuthbert The Race. By Mercurius Spur, Esq. With notes. By Faustinus Scriblerus. 1765 Poetry English Sign after item; Sign before item Footnote Quote; Sign/number repeated Marshall, Ashley. “The Myth of Scriblerus.” Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, vol. 31, no. 1, 2008, pp. 77–99. doi:10.1111/j.1754-0208.2008.00005.x.
Anonymous Oppression : A poem. By an American. With notes, by a North Briton 1765 Poetry English Number/letter after line Footnote Sign/number repeated
Very few notes
Belloy, Pierre-Laurent de Le Siège de Calais, tragedie suivie de notes historiques 1765 Drama French None Endnote at very end Quote

Verri, Pietro Meditazioni sulla felicità. Con un avviso e con note critiche 1765

Hayes, Daniel The authors : A poem 1766 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Triller, Daniel Wilhelm Geprüfte Pockeninoculation : ein Physicalisch-Moralisch Gedicht, mit nöthigen Anmerkungen und Zusätzen erläutert. - 1766 Poetry German Number/letter after line Footnote Sign/number repeated

Voltaire Octavian et le jeune Pompée ou le Triumvirat 1766 Drama French

Cave, Christophe. “Les notes du Triumvirat de Voltaire: la construction progressive d'un dispositif militant.” Les notes de Voltaire: Une écriture polyphonique, edited by Nicholas Cronk et al., Voltaire Foundation, 2003, 223-237.
Lambert, Claude-François Le nouveau Telémaque, ou, Voyages et aventures du comte de-- & de son fils, avec des Notes Historiques, Géographiques & Critiques 1766 Prose French

Wieland, Christoph Martin Die Geschichte des Agathon 1766-1767 Prose German

Wirth, Uwe. Die Geburt des Autors aus dem Geist der Herausgeberfiktion: Editoriale Rahmung im Roman um 1800: Wieland, Goethe, Brentano, Jean Paul und E. T. A. Hoffmann, Fink, 2008.
Gough, James Britannia: a poem. With historical notes. 1767 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Voltaire Le Dépositaire 1767 (first staged) Drama French

Goulbourne, Russell. “De la mise en scène à la mise en page: les notes dans le théâtre comique de Voltaire.” Les notes de Voltaire: Une écriture polyphonique, edited by Nicholas Cronk et al., Voltaire Foundation, 2003, 245-254.
Sterne, Laurence A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy by Mr. Yorick 1768 Prose English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Wieland, Christoph Martin Musarion, oder die Philosophie der Grazien. Ein Gedicht, in drey Büchern 1768 Poetry German

Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Restif de la Bretonne, Nicolas Edme Lucile, ou Les Progrès De La Vertu. Par un Mousquetaire 1768 Prose French

Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Sagebaum, Justus Als Jacobshagens Jubel-Saal, des Synodi zum andernmahl Eröfnet nach Velangen[!]; Ist auch hinein gegangen: Ein Opfer hinzubringen, Dis Jubel-Lied zu singen; Mit schlechter, doch vergnügter Stimm, Ein Mitglied jetzt ad interim 1769 Poetry German

Restif de la Bretonne, Nicolas Edme La Confidence nécessaire, ou Lettres de Mylord Austin de Norfolk, à mylord Humfrey de Dorset 1769 Prose French

Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Saint-Lambert, Jean-François de Les Saisons 1769 Poetry French

Swinney, Sidney Battle of Minden, a poem. In three books. By Sidney Swinney, ... Enriched with critical notes by two friends, and with explanatory notes by the author 1769 Poetry English Sign before item Other Sign/number repeated
Position of the annotation: on a separate page right after the page on which the annotated item appears
Harvey, John The Bruciad : an epic poem, in six books 1769 Poetry English Number/letter after item Footnote Sign/number repeated
Very few annotations
Ashton, James-Brown The ode on dedicating a building, and erecting a statue, to Le Stue, cook to the Duke of Newcastle at Clermont : : with notes, by Martinus Scriblerus, to which are prefixed, testimonies to the genius and merits of Le Stue 1769 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated Marshall, Ashley. “The Myth of Scriblerus.” Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, vol. 31, no. 1, 2008, pp. 77–99. doi:10.1111/j.1754-0208.2008.00005.x.
Hermes, Johann Timotheus Sophiens Reise von Memel nach Sachsen 1769–1773 Prose German

Eckstein, Evelyn. Fussnoten: Anmerkungen zu Poesie und Wissenschaft, Lit, 2001. 119-123.

Pfersmann, Andréas. “Les gloses de Martinus Scribblerus ou du bon usage de l'autorité dans le discours.” Lugares Textuais do Romance, edited by Alckmar Luiz dos Santos, Florianópolis, 2001, 213-248.

Pfersmann, Andréas. Séditions infrapaginales: Poétique historique de l'annotation littéraire (XVIIe-XXIe siècles), Droz, 2011.

Kenrick, William Poems; ludicrous, satirical, and moral. With notes. 1770 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated
Does not contain many notes, yet the notes are mentioned in the title --> inclusion of notes as advertisement?
Belloy, Pierre Laurent de Gaston et Baïard : tragédie, suivie de notes historiques 1770 Drama French

Brice, Andrew The mobiad : or, battle of the voice. An heroi-comic poem, sportively satirical: being a briefly historical, natural and lively, free and humorous, description of an Exeter election. In Six Canto's. Illustrated with such Notes as for some Readers may be supposed useful. By Democritus Juvenal, Moral Professor of Ridicule, and plaguy-pleasant Fellow of Stingtickle College; vulgarly Andrew Brice, Exon 1770 Poetry English Number/letter after item Footnote Quote; Sign/number repeated Robertson, Ritchie. Mock-Epic Poetry from Pope to Heine, OUP, 2009. 100.
Cosson, Pierre Charles Éloge de Pierre Terrail, dit le chevalier Bayard, sans peur et sans reproche: suivi de notes historiques, morales & critiques 1770 Prose French

Christian, T. P. The progress of war. A poem. By an officer 1770? Poetry English Sign after item; Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Anonymous Le Dépit et le voyage , poëme, avec des notes , suivi des Lettres vénitiennes 1771 Poetry French

Wieland, Christoph Martin Der neue Amadis 1771 Prose German

Eckstein, Evelyn. Fussnoten: Anmerkungen zu Poesie und Wissenschaft, Lit, 2001. 134.
Restif de la Bretonne, Nicolas Edme Le Marquis de T***, ou l'École de la Jeunesse, Tirée des Mémoires recueillis par N. E. A. Desforets, homme-d'affaires de la Maison de T*** 1771 Prose French

Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Percy, Thomas The hermit of Warkworth : a Northumberland ballad 1771 Poetry English Sign after line Footnote Sign/number repeated van der Goten, Thomas. “Topographical Annotation in Thomas Percy's The Hermit of Warkworth and John Pinkerton's The Bruce.” Annotation in Eighteenth-Century Poetry, edited by Michael Edson, Lexington Books, 2017, pp. 67–88.

Simpson, Erik. Literary Minstrelsy, 1770-1830: Minstrels and Improvisers in British, Irish, and American Literature, Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.

Klinger, Friedrich Maximilian Fausts Leben, Taten und Höllenfahrt 1771 Prose German

Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Faulkner, George [pseud. of Jephson, Robert] An epistle to Gorges Edmond Howard: Esq. With notes explanatory, critical, and historical, by George Faulkner, … 1771 Poetry English Number/letter after line Footnote Quote; Sign/number repeated

Anonymous ["A Fen parson"] Inundation or the life of a Fen-man, a poem. With notes critical and explanatory. By a Fen parson. 1771 Poetry English None Footnote Line; Quote

Celesia, Dorothea Indolence; a poem, by the author of Almida 1772 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Voltaire Les Systèmes et les cabales 1772 Poetry French

Ferrett, Olivier. “Les systèmes évolutifs de l'annotation des satires en vers, ou les vrais-faux rapports de M. ***.” Les notes de Voltaire: Une écriture polyphonique, edited by Nicholas Cronk et al., Voltaire Foundation, 2003, 288-303.
Hull, Thomas Genuine letters from a gentleman to a young lady his pupil: ... Written some years since. Now first revised and published with notes and illustrations, by Thomas Hull, … 1772 Prose English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Restif de la Bretonne, Nicolas Edme Adèle de Comm***, ou Lettres d’une fille à son père 1772 Prose French

Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Evans, Evan Love of our country, a poem, with historical notes, address'd to Sir Watkin Williams Wynn ... By a curate from Snowdon. 1772 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Denis, Michael Die Lieder Sineds des Barden : mit Vorbericht und Anmerkungen 1772 Poetry German

Wieland, Christoph Martin Der goldne Spiegel oder die Könige von Scheschian 1772 Prose German

Eckstein, Evelyn. Fussnoten: Anmerkungen zu Poesie und Wissenschaft, Lit, 2001. 137-140.
Mason, William The English garden : a poem 1772 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Frizzi, Antonio La Salameide poemetto giocoso con le note 1772 Poetry Italian

Anonymous Les orphelins de Perse : histoire orientale ; tirée d'un ms. persan, & enrichie de notes curieuses & instructives 1773 Prose French

Voltaire La Tactique 1773 Poetry French

Iverson, John R. “La Tactique et les stratégies de la note dans la satire en vers.” Les notes de Voltaire: Une écriture polyphonique, edited by Nicholas Cronk et al., Voltaire Foundation, 2003, 304-313.
Stockdale, Percival The poet. A poem 1773 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Day, Thomas The dying Negro, a poem 1773 Poetry English Sign after line Footnote Sign/number repeated

Langhorne, John The origin of the veil. A poem. by Dr. Langhorne 1773 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Restif de la Bretonne, Nicolas Edme La Femme dans les trois états de fille, d'épouse, et de mère. Histoire morale, comique & véritable 1773 Prose French

Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Voltaire Les Lois de Minos, ou Astérie 1773 Drama French

Davies, Simon. “Les notes des Lois de Minos: pertinence ou impertinence?” Les notes de Voltaire: Une écriture polyphonique, edited by Nicholas Cronk et al., Voltaire Foundation, 2003, 238-244.
Nicolai, Friedrich Das Leben und die Meinungen des Herrn Magister Sebaldus Nothanker 1773-1776 Prose German

Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Restif de la Bretonne, Nicolas Edme Les Nouveaux mémoires d’un homme-de-qualité 1774 Prose French

Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von Die Leiden des jungen Werther 1774 Prose German

Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Goldsmith, Oliver Retaliation: a poem. By Doctor Goldsmith. Including epitaphs on the most distinguished wits of this metropolis. A new edition. With explanatory notes, observations, &c. 1774 Poetry English Number/letter before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Gottsched, Johann Christoph Der Proceß, ein Scherzgedicht : im Jahr 1740. den 11ten April seiner theuersten Freundin Louise Adelgunda Viktoria Gottsched, gebohrnen Kulmus, gewidmet von Ihrem getreuen Johann Christoph Gottsched. P. als ein Opus posthumum der Nachwelt geschenkt und mit kritischen Anmerkungen bereichert 1774 Poetry German

Lenz, Jakob Michael Reinhold Menalk und Mopsus. Eine Ekloge nach der fünften Ekloge Virgils 1775 Poetry German

Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Lottin, Augustin-Martin (l'aîné) Éloge de Nicolas Catinat,... suivi de notes et de pièces historiques 1775 Poetry French

Hippesley, R. Bath and it's environs : a descriptive poem, In three cantos. Wherein The Reality, Life, and great Qualities of it's first Founder bladud are displayed,-his Figure, as described by the Orator Himerius, delineated;-the Natural History of Bath, as well ancient as modern, and the inimitable Beauty of it's Situation, Hills, Woods, River, Vales, and respective Landscapes, depicted according to Nature. The whole Interspersed with Reflections analogous to the Subject, and illustrated with explanatory Notes authenticating the several Historical Traditions from which the Poem is composed. A guide As well to Natives as Strangers, pointing out to them the several Objects in and round Bath most worthy of Notice 1775 Poetry English Number/letter after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Jerningham, Mr. The fall of Mexico, a poem. 1775 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Wieland, Christoph Martin Geschichte des weisen Danischmend und der drey Kalender. Ein Anhang zur Geschichte von Scheschian. cum notis Variorum. 1775 Prose German

Eckstein, Evelyn. Fussnoten: Anmerkungen zu Poesie und Wissenschaft, Lit, 2001. 140-143.

Meyer, Herman. Das Zitat in der Erzählkunst: Zur Geschichte und Poetik des europäischen Romans. 2., durchges. Aufl., Metzler, 1967.

Jacobi, Friedrich Heinrich Eduard Allwills Papiere 1775-1776 Prose German

Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Claudius, Matthias Asmus omnia sua secum portans oder Sämmtliche Werke des Wandsbecker Bothen 1775-1812 Prose German

Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Anonymous The patent; a poem ... By the author of the Graces 1776 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Anonymous Lord Ch----m's prophecy, an ode; addressed to Lieutenant General G-ge. With explanatory and critical notes, by the editor. 1776 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Preston, William An heroic epistle from Donna Teresa Pinna ÿ Ruiz, of Murcia, to Richard Twiss, Esq; F.R.S. With several explanatory notes, written by Himself 1776 Poetry English None Footnote Line; Quote

Twiss, Richard An answer to a poetical epistle from Madam Teresa Pinnay Ruiz. By Richard Twiss, Esq; F.R.S. with notes by various hands. 1776 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Elliot, N., shoe-maker Prophecy of Merlin. An heroic poem. Concerning the wonderful success of a project now on foot, to make the river from the Severn to Stroud in Glocestershire navigable. Translated from the original Latin, annexed, with notes explanatory. 1776 Poetry English Sign after item; Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated
The placement of the asterisks in the poem usually does not really make sense.
Wezel, Johann Carl Belphegor oder Die wahrscheinlichste Geschichte unter der Sonne 1776 Prose German

Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Scott, John Amwell: a descriptive poem 1776 Poetry English None Footnote Line; Quote

Anonymous I parafulmini poemetto con note 1776 Poetry Italian

Voltaire Les trois empereurs en Sorbonne 1776 Poetry French

Ferrett, Olivier. “Les systèmes évolutifs de l'annotation des satires en vers, ou les vrais-faux rapports de M. ***.” Les notes de Voltaire: Une écriture polyphonique, edited by Nicholas Cronk et al., Voltaire Foundation, 2003, 288-303.
Chatterton, Thomas Poems supposed to have been written at Bristol 1777 Poetry English Number/letter after item Footnote Sign/number repeated Metz, Bernhard. “Blüten: Falsche Noten bei James Macpherson und Thomas Chatterton.” Am Rande bemerkt: Anmerkungspraktiken in literarischen Texten, edited by Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik, Kadmos, 2008, pp. 115–48.
Burgess, Thomas Bagley; a descriptive poem. With the annotations of Scriblerus Secundus 1777 Poetry English Number/letter before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Anonymous Ranelagh: a poem. By the author of some late publications 1777 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Swift, Theophilus The gamblers : a poem, with notes critical and explanatory. 1777 Poetry English None Footnote Line; Quote

Combe, William The diaboliad, a poem. Dedicated to the worst man in His Majesty's dominions 1777 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated Robertson, Ritchie. Mock-Epic Poetry from Pope to Heine, OUP, 2009. 100.
Du Laurens, Henri-Joseph Le Compere Mathieu, Ou Les Bigarrures De L'Esprit Humain 1777 Prose French

Bessire, François. “Les suites comiques de l'érudition: la note parodique de Saint-Hyacinthe à Du Laurens.” Notes. Études sur l'annotation en littérature, edited by Jean-Claude Arnould and Claudine Poulouin, Presses universitaires de Rouen et du Havre, 2008, 243-256.
Combe, William The justification: a poem, by the author of the Diaboliad 1777 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Quote; Sign/number repeated
Very few annotations
Combe, William Additions to the Diaboliad, a poem. Dedicated to the worst man in His Majesty's dominions 1777 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Anonymous The Age of loyalty: An historical panegyric 1777 Poetry English None Footnote Line; Quote

Wieland, Christoph Martin Geschichte der Abderiten 1777 Prose German

Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Restif de la Bretonne, Nicolas Edme Le Nouvel Abeilard; ou Lettres de deux amans, qui ne se sont jamais vus 1778 Prose French

Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Anonymous Caledonia : a poem 1778 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Pearce, William The haunts of Shakespeare: : a poem 1778 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated
very few annotations
Hayley, William A Poetical Epistle to an Eminent Painter 1778 Poetry English Sign after line Foot- and endnotes Line; Quote; Sign/number repeated
Footnotes do not contain any information but only refer to the place where the annotation proper (i.e. the endnote) is to be found, e.g. "* Ver. 297. See NOTE XVI."
Smedley, Edward Transmigration : a poem 1778 Poetry English Sign after item; Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated
Very few annotations
Combe, William An heroic epistle to an unfortunate monarch, by Peregrine the elder. Enriched with explanatory notes. 1778 Poetry English None Footnote Line; Quote

Miles, William Augustus A political mirror; or, a summary review of the present reign. With notes, explanatory and historical, and an authentic list of the ships and vessels of war, taken and destroyed, since the commencement of hostilities. 1779 Prose English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Anonymous Bagnigge-Wells: a poem. : In which are pourtrayed the characters of the most eminent filles-de-joye. With notes and illustrations, ... With some account of the principal commentators 1779 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Watkins, L. Christian warrior, and scriptural pilgrim: a poem. In four parts. With notes, and scripture references. Incribed [sic] to the Right Hon. Henry Herbert, Earl of Pembroke. With a poetical address to all candid and unprejudiced genuine Protestants. 1779 Poetry English Number/letter after line Footnote Sign/number repeated

Roucher, Jean-Antoine Les Mois 1779 Poetry French

Seth, Catriona. “Les notes de Roucher, ou l'autre poème.” Les notes de Voltaire: Une écriture polyphonique, edited by Nicholas Cronk et al., Voltaire Foundation, 2003, 95-109.
Jerningham, Edward The ancient English wake : a poem 1779 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

A woman of fashion The temple of prostitution, a poem ... Written by a woman of fashion 1779 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Quote; Sign/number repeated

Walters, John Poems. With notes. 1780 Poetry English None Footnote Line

Dutems, Hugues Panégyrique de saint Louis, roi de France, prononcé dans la chapelle du Louvre... le 25 août 1780, par M. l'abbé Hugues Dutems,... [ suivi de notes ] 1780 Poetry French

Deloutte, Abbé L'Expression du sentiment, couplets à l'occasion du mariage de M. le Cte de Mailly-d'Haucourt avec Mademoiselle de Narbonne-Pelet, suivis de notes historiques et mythologiques 1780

Hayley, William An essay on history: in three epistles to Edward Gibbon, Esq. with notes. 1780 Poetry English Sign after line Foot- and endnotes Line; Quote
Footnotes do not contain any information but only refer to the place where the annotation proper (i.e. the endnote) is to be found, e.g. "* Ver. 297. See NOTE XVI."
Anonymous The Spanish invasion; or, Defeat of the invincible armada: A poem. With critical notes, explaining every principal circumstance of that singular enterprize, and the methods then taken to defend this nation. 1780 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Anonymous Fall of Romish Babylon anticipated. A poem, in three parts. With historical notes. Inscribed to the Right Honourable Lord George Gordon. By a Protestant. 1780 Poetry English None Footnote Line; Quote

Gardiner, Richard September. A rural poem. Humbly inscribed to all sportsmen. With notes and illustrations. By a gentleman. 1780 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Quote; Sign/number repeated

Wezel, Johann Carl Hermann und Ulrike. Ein komischer Roman 1780 Prose German

Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Restif de la Bretonne, Nicolas Edme La Malédiction paternelle: lettres sincères et véritables de N.******, à ses Parens, ses Amis, & ses Maîtresses; avec les Réponses: Recueillies & publiées par Thimothée Joly, son Exécuteur testamentaire 1780 Prose French

Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Ridley, Glocester Melampus, a poem in four books, with notes: by the late Gloster Ridley, D.D. 1781 Poetry English None Endnote at very end Line

MacNally, Leonard Sentimental excursions to Windsor: and other places, with notes critical, illustrative, and explanatory, … 1781 Prose English Number/letter after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Pumpelmus, Ernst Maria [pseud.] Mein lezter Wille / Mit gelehrten Anmerkungen begleitet von Ernst Maria Pumpelmus 1781 Poetry German

Restif de la Bretonne, Nicolas Edme La Découverte australe par un Homme-volant, ou Le Dédale français. Nouvelle très-philosophique 1781 Prose French

Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Cook, William The royal naval review, or a late trip to the Nore. Being a poetical epistle from Hodge in town to Dick in the country. With notes critical and explanatory. By a descendant of the great Scriblerus. 1781 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Quote; Sign/number repeated Marshall, Ashley. “The Myth of Scriblerus.” Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, vol. 31, no. 1, 2008, pp. 77–99. doi:10.1111/j.1754-0208.2008.00005.x.
Mathias, Thomas James Watsoniana an heroic epistle; an heroic address in prose; and an epistolary treatise to the Rev. Richard Watson, D.D. archdeacon of Ely and professor of Chemistry in the University of Cambridge. With notes and references 1781 Poetry English None Footnote Line

Restif de la Bretonne, Nicolas Edme Les Contemporaines, ou Avantures des plus jolies Femmes de l’âge présent 1781-1785 Prose French

Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Maude, Thomas Viator, a poem: or, a journey from London to Scarborough, by the way of York. With notes historical and topographical. 1782 Poetry English Sign after item; Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques Les Confessions 1782 Prose French

Séité, Yannick. “Les practiques rousseauistes de la note.” Les notes de Voltaire: Une écriture polyphonique, edited by Nicholas Cronk et al., Voltaire Foundation, 2003, 48-73.
Hayley, William An essay on epic poetry: in five epistles to the Revd. Mr. Mason. With notes. By William Hayley, Esq. 1782 Poetry English Sign after line Endnote at very end Line; Quote; Sign/number repeated
Footnotes do not contain any information but only refer to the place where the annotation proper (i.e. the endnote) is to be found, e.g. "* Ver. 297. See NOTE XVI."
Jean Paul Das Lob der Dummheit 1782 Prose German

Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Laclos, Pierre Chaderlos de Les liaisons dangereuses 1782 Prose French

Moravetz, Monika. Formen der Rezeptionslenkung im Briefroman des 18. Jahrhunderts: Richardsons Clarissa, Rousseaus Nouvelle Héloïse und Laclos' Liaisons dangereuses, Narr, 1990.

Picard, Hans Rudolf. Die Illusion der Wirklichkeit im Briefroman des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts, Winter, 1971.

Gardiner, Richard Memoirs of the life and writings (prose and verse) of R-ch--d G-rd-n-r, Esq. alias Dick Merry-Fellow, Of Serious and Facetious Memory! 1782 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Hann, Johann Wenzel Herrn W. Hann Vermischte Versuche in der Dichtkunst : Von ihm selbst gesammelt, und mit den nöthigsten Anmerkungen erläutert 1782 Poetry German

Lihnie, Gotthard Der Tempel der Schande : oder Das schwarze Buch der Schreibsler; ein Gedicht mit Anmerkungen 1782 Poetry German

Douglas, Francis Birth-day; with a few strictures on the times; a poem, in three cantos. With the preface and notes of an edition to be published in the year 1982. By a farmer. 1782 Poetry English None Endnote at very end Line; Quote

Davies, Edward Blaise Castle, A prospective poem. By the Rev. Edward Davies, ... With notes, ... Published for the benefit of the Bristol Infirmary. 1783 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Restif de la Bretonne, Nicolas Edme La Dernière Avanture D’Un Homme de Quarantecinq-ans. Nouvelle utile à plus d’un lecteur 1783 Prose French

Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Anonymous Opera rumpus; or, the ladies in the wrong box! A serio-comic-operatic burlesque poem! With explanatory notes, by the ablest commentators. 1783 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Quote; Sign/number repeated

Anonymous Momus au Sallon , comédie-critique en vers et en vaudevilles : suivie de notes critiques 1783 Drama French

Jean Paul Grönländische Prozesse oder Satirische Skizzen 1783-1784 Prose German

Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Smith, James, of Tewkesbury The art of living in London: a poem 1784 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Rasche, Johann Christoph Henneberg, das uralte Stammhaus, seit dem seligen Ableben des letzten Hennebergischen Fürsten Georg Ernst's, nach zweyhundert Jahren von dem Durchlauchtigsten Herzog Georg, unserm gnädigst regierendem Herrn, wonnevoll erneuert am 10 August 1784. / Diesmaligen Zeitgenossen und spätern Nachwelt in einer Idylle geschildert, und mit Anmerkungen begleitet 1784 Poetry German

Wezel, Johann Carl Kakerlak oder die Geschichte eines Rosenkreuzers 1784 Prose German

Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Smith, Charlotte Elegiac Sonnets 1784 Poetry English Number/letter before item Endnote at very end Sign/number repeated Erchinger, Philipp. “Science, footnotes and the margins of poetry in Percy B. Shelley’s Queen Mab and Charlotte Smith’s Beachy Head.” European Journal of English Studies, vol. 22, no. 3, 2018, pp. 241–57. doi:10.1080/13825577.2018.1513709.

Labbe, Jacqueline M. “'Transplanted into More Congenial Soil': Footnoting the Self in the Poetry of Charlotte Smith.” Ma(r)king the Text: The Presentation of Meaning on the Literary Page, edited by Joe Bray et al., Ashgate, 2000, 71-86.

Labbe, Jacqueline M. Charlotte Smith: Romanticism, Poetry and the Culture of Gender, Manchester UP, 2003.

Reinfandt, Christoph. “The Textures of Romanticism: Exploring Charlotte Smith’s ‘Beachy Head’ (1807).” Anglistentag 2012 Potsdam: Proceedings, edited by Katrin Röder and Ilse Wischer, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2013, pp. 99-114.

Watson, Alex. Romantic Marginality: Nation and Empire on the Borders of the Page, Pickering & Chatto, 2012.

Restif de la Bretonne, Nicolas Edme La Paysanne pervertie 1784 Prose French

Séité, Yannick. Du livre au lire: La nouvelle Héloïse: Roman des Lumières, Champion, 2002. p. 274
[Various] The Rolliad 1784–85 Prose English

Restif de la Bretonne, Nicolas Edme Les Veillées du Marais; ou Histoire du grand Prince Oribeau, Roi de Mommonie, au pays d'Evinland; & de la vertueuse Princesse Oribelle, de Lagenie: Tirée des Anciénnes-Annales-Irlandaises, & recenment-translatée en-français: Par Nichols-Donneraill, du Comté de Korke, Descendant de l'Auteur 1785 Prose French

Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Anonymous An heroic epistle to Major Scott,: With notes historical and explanatory; dedicated to Edmund Burke, Esq. By one of the Cadwalladers 1785 Poetry English None Footnote Line; Quote

Bell, John The wanderer; or, Edward to Eleonora; a poem 1785 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Anonymous The beauties of the Brinsleiad : or, a sketch of the opposition: a poem. Interspersed with notes 1785 Poetry English None Other

The annotations are really 'interspersed' between the lines.
Crabbe, George The news-paper : a poem 1785 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Almon, John An Asylum for fugitive pieces : in prose and verse, not in any other collection : with several pieces never before published 1785 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Pindar, Peter [pseud. of Wolcot, John] The Lousiad : an heroi-comic poem 1785 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated Robertson, Ritchie. Mock-Epic Poetry from Pope to Heine, OUP, 2009.122ff.
Beckford, William Vathek, an Arabian Tale, from an Unpublished Manuscript. With Notes Critical and Explanatory 1786 Prose English; French None Endnote at very end Page; Quote Watson, Alex. Romantic Marginality: Nation and Empire on the Borders of the Page, Pickering & Chatto, 2012. Beckford prepared the annotations together with Samuel Henley --> collaborative annotation (cf. Watson 33-35)
Anonymous Le Bon-Homme aux Bonnes-gens, épître, suivie de notes que les bonnes-gens liront 1786 Poetry French

Restif de la Bretonne, Nicolas Edme La Femme infidèlle. Par Maribert-Courtenay 1786 Prose French

Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Evan, Thomas Shipwreck of the Halsewell East-Indiaman; a poem. With ... notes, giving a full account of that ... catastrophe, from the sailing of the vessel, Jan 1st, to its destruction, Jan. 6th, 1786. To which is added, A consolatory address, 1786 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Quote; Sign/number repeated

Burns, Robert Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect 1786 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated Andrews, Corey E. “Footnoted Folklore: Robert Burns's 'Hallowe'en'.” Studies in Scottish Literature, vol. 37, no. 1, 2012, pp. 24-37.

Watson, Alex. Romantic Marginality: Nation and Empire on the Borders of the Page, Pickering & Chatto, 2012.

Pindar, Peter [pseud. of Wolcot, John] Bozzy and Piozzi 1786 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated Robinson, Charles E. “Byron's Footnotes.” Byron: A Poet for all Seasons: Proceedings of the 25th International Byron Conference, edited by M. Byron Raizis, Messolonghi Byron Society, 2000, pp. 110-19.
Weidmann, Paul Der Eroberer : Eine poetische Phantasie In fünf Kaprizzen ; Aus alten Urkunden mit neuen Anmerkungen 1786

The work seems to be a mix of poetry, drama, and prose. There are not many notes.
Lesbroussart, Philippe Éloge de Jean de Carondelet, seigneur de Solre sur Sambre & chancelier de Marie de Bourgogne, de Maximilien d'Autriche & de Philippe-Premier, suivi de Notes historiques 1786 Prose French

Duvigneau, Pierre-Hyacinthe Éloge historique d'Armand de Gontaud, baron de Biron, maréchal de France sous Henri IV: suivi de notes historiques sur les actes de valeur & de patriotisme de la noblesse de Guienne, & particulièrement de celle de Gascogne, sous les règnes de François I, Henri II, François II, Charles IX, Henri III & Henri IV, depuis 1522 jusqu'en 1592 1786 Prose French

Wekhrlin, Wilhelm Ludwig Die affenthewrliche Historia des lächerlichen Pritschmeisters und Erzgauklers Pips von Hasenfus / [Erasmus Baldrian, der Arzneykunst Beflissner, gegenwärtig Praktiker zu Philadelphia in Nordamerika] 1787 Poetry German

Pindar, Peter [pseud. of Wolcot, John] Instructions to a Celebrated Laureat, alias, The progress of curiosity ; alias, A birth-day ode, alias, Mr. Whitbread's brewhouse 1787 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated
Very few annotations
Ogilvie, John The Fane of the Druids: A Poem 1787 Poetry English None Footnote Quote

Heinse, Wilhelm Ardinghello und die glückseligen Inseln 1787 Prose German

Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Louvet de Couvray, Jean-Baptiste Les Amours du chevalier de Faublas 1787-1790 Prose French

Dürrenmatt, Jacques. “Notes intertextuelles chez Stendhal et Louvet.” L'espace de la note, edited by Jacques Dürrenmatt and Andréas Pfersmann, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2004, 127-140.
Anonymous Die Sonne und die Knaben, oder der Betrug des Naturalismus : Eine Erzählung mit Anmerkungen 1788 Poetry German

Pindar, Paul [pseud.] The fleaiad, an heroic poem, with notes Humbly addressed to Peter Pindar, Esquire, author of the Lousiad, ode upon ode, &c. &c. [B]y his Kinsman, Paul Pindar, gent. 1788 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Quote; Sign/number repeated

Parsley, Robert Tour of time. A descriptive poem. Interspersed with notes historical and explanatory. 1788 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Appenfelder, August Moritz Etwas zur Aufklärung an das vernünftige und forschende Kielische Stadt-Volk. Alles in Versen mit Anmerkungen in Prosa / von einem Liebhaber der Wahrheit 1788 Poetry German

More, Hannah Slavery, a poem 1788 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Barthélemy, Jean-Jacques Voyage du jeune Anacharsis en Grèce, dans le milieu du quatrième siècle avant l'ère vulgaire 1788 Prose French

Poulouin, Claudine. “Le Voyage du jeune Anacharsis en Grèce: Usage complexé et mise en fiction de la note savante.” Notes. Études sur l'annotation en littérature, edited by Jean-Claude Arnould and Claudine Poulouin, Presses universitaires de Rouen et du Havre, 2008, 267-286.
Crowe, William Lewesdon Hill, a poem 1788 Poetry English Sign after item; Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Pindar, Peter [pseud. of Wolcot, John] Peter provided for, without a pension : a poem : with notes critical and explanatory / by Carnaby Currycomb, Esq. 1788 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Jean Paul Auswahl aus des Teufels Papieren nebst einem nöthigen Aviso vom Juden Mendel 1789 Prose German

Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Diannyère, Antoine Eloge de M. le président Du Paty, suivi de Notes sur plusieurs points importans de l'Ordre public 1789 Prose French

Pindar, Peter [pseud. of Wolcot, John] Subjects for painters 1789 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Anonymous Die Prorectorwahl : Ein Gedicht in zwey Gesängen ; Nebst Anmerkungen und Briefen eines Reisenden über Halle ; Ein Pendant zur maskirten Schlittenfahrt. 1789 Poetry German

Alves, Robert Edinburgh : a poem, in two parts. ; Also, The Weeping bard : a poem in sixteen cantos 1789 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated
very few annotations
Restif de la Bretonne, Nicolas Edme Ingénue Saxancour, ou, La femme séparée 1789 Prose French

Colonna, Vincent. L'autofiction: Essai sur la fictionnalisation de soi en littérature. Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, 1989. 96ff.
Mathias, Thomas James Pursuits of literature. A satirical poem in four dialogues, with notes. To which are annexed, a vindication of the work, and translations of all the Greek, Latin, Italian, and French quotations. 1789 Poetry English Number/letter after item Footnote Sign/number repeated Dyer, Gary. British Satire and the Politics of Style, 1789-1832, CUP, 1997. pp. 25-28.

Hawley, Judith. “Grub Street in Albion: or, Scriblerian Satire in the Romantic Metropolis.” Romanticism, vol. 14, no. 2, 2008, pp. 81–93. doi:10.3366/E1354991X08000202.

Lessenich, Rolf. Neoclassical Satire and the Romantic School 1780–1830, V&R Unipress, 2012.

Watson, Alex. Romantic Marginality: Nation and Empire on the Borders of the Page, Pickering & Chatto, 2012.
Also has annotations for the annotations
Jerningham, Mr. Enthusiasm: a poem in two parts 1789 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Jean Paul Abrakadabra oder Die Baierische Kreuzerkomödie am längsten Tage im Jahr 1789-1790 Prose German

Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Rodd, Thomas Theriad: an heroi-comic poem, with notes. 1790 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Quote; Sign/number repeated

Studiosus [pseud.] Alma's defence, or The critic refunded; a poem 1790 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Haschka, Lorenz Leopold Epinikion : Herrn Johann August Starck der Heil. Schrift Doctor, Hochfürstl. Hess. Ober-Hofprediger Und Consistorial-Rath, Dem beyspiellos verfolgten / Gesungen Von Lorenz Leopold Haschka, im October 1789. Mit Erläuternden Anmerkungen Von Des Verfassers Und Einer Fremden Hand 1790 Poetry German

Maude, Thomas Wensleydale, or, Rural contemplations : a poem 1790 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Greville, Fulke Reflection, a poem, in four cantos 1790 Poetry English Sign after line Footnote Sign/number repeated

Anonymous Revolution; or Britain delivered. A poem. In twelve cantos. With notes historical and explanatory. 1791 Poetry English Sign after line Footnote Sign/number repeated

Neuffer, Franz Bernhard Die gefährliche Philosophie : Ein satyrisch-moralisches Gedicht zur Ehre der christlichen Religion, wider die Philosophen und schönen Geister des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts ; Mit Anmerkungen 1791 Poetry German

Darwin, Erasmus Botanic garden; a poem, in two parts. : Part I. Containing The economy of vegetation. Part II. The loves of the plants. With philosophical notes [both of them published separately earlier] 1791 Poetry English None Footnote Line; Quote Erchinger, Philipp. “Science, footnotes and the margins of poetry in Percy B. Shelley’s Queen Mab and Charlotte Smith’s Beachy Head.” European Journal of English Studies, vol. 22, no. 3, 2018, pp. 241–57. doi:10.1080/13825577.2018.1513709.
Thomson, Alexander Whist: a poem in twelve cantos 1791 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Yearsley, Ann Earl Goodwin, an historical play. By Ann Yearsley, milk-woman, of Clifton, near Bristol. Performed with general applause at the Theatre-Royal 1791 Drama English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated Conolly, Leonard W. The Censorship of English Drama: 1737-1824, Huntington Library, 1976. p. 92. There is one single annotation in the epilogue saying: "These six lines were omitted by Command of the Lord Chamberlain."
Thompson, Eliza Retaliation; or, the reviewers review'd. A satirical poem. By a lady. 1791 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Gifford, William The Baviad 1791 Poetry English Number/letter before item; Sign after item Footnote None; Sign/number repeated Hawley, Judith. “Grub Street in Albion: or, Scriblerian Satire in the Romantic Metropolis.” Romanticism, vol. 14, no. 2, 2008, pp. 81–93. It is quite hard to see which annotation belongs ot which passage in the text.

The annotations are divided in "imitations" and "notes", evincing the influence of Pope's Dunciad..
Richards, George The aboriginal Britons, a poem 1791 Poetry English None Endnote at very end Line; Page; Quote

Anonymous Painting: a poem, in four cantos 1792 Poetry English Number/letter after item Endnote at very end Sign/number repeated

Touchstone, Timothy [pseud.] Lord Mayor's day; or City Pageantry; a poem 1792 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Beddoes, Thomas Alexander's expedition down the Hydaspes & the Indus to the Indian Ocean 1792 Poetry English None Footnote Line
The annotations are very long and numerous.
Huddesford, George Topsy Turvy: with anecdotes and observations illustrative of leading characters in the present Government of France 1793 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Jefferson, Joseph The ruins of a temple : a poem. By the Rev. Joseph Jefferson. To which is prefixed, an account of the antiquity and history of Holy-Ghost-Chapel, Basingstoke, Hants, With An Appendix, containing Historical and Explanatory Notes 1793 Poetry English None Endnote at very end None
The annotations are not anchored in a certain part of the poem but rather meant as a general appendix.
Jean Paul Die unsichtbare Loge 1793 Prose German

Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Anonymous ["Churchill-minor"] Secession; or, true blue separated from buff. A political-satirical-panegyrical poem. Humbly inscribed to his royal highness the Prince of Wales. With notes --- critical and explanatory. By Churchill-minor. 1793 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Smith, Charlotte The Emigrants 1793 Poetry English Number/letter after item Endnote after chapter/canto Quote; Sign/number repeated Labbe, Jacqueline M. “'Transplanted into More Congenial Soil': Footnoting the Self in the Poetry of Charlotte Smith.” Ma(r)king the Text: The Presentation of Meaning on the Literary Page, edited by Joe Bray et al., Ashgate, 2000, 71-86.

Labbe, Jacqueline M. Charlotte Smith: Romanticism, Poetry and the Culture of Gender, Manchester UP, 2003.

Reinfandt, Christoph. “The Textures of Romanticism: Exploring Charlotte Smith’s ‘Beachy Head’ (1807).” Anglistentag 2012 Potsdam: Proceedings, edited by Katrin Röder and Ilse Wischer, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2013, pp. 99-114.

Bradford, William An enquiry how far the punishment of death is necessary in Pennsylvania. With notes and illustrations 1793 Prose English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Matthews, John Sketch, from The landscape, a didactic poem. Addressed to R. P. Knight ... with notes, illustrations, and a postcript. 1794 Poetry English Sign after line Footnote Sign/number repeated

Anonymous The Children of Apollo: a poem : Containing an impartial review of all the dramatic works of our modern authors and authoresses. Particularly Lady Wallace. Margravine of Anspach. Honourable Major North. Honourable John St. John. Sheridan. Colman. Holcroft. Jackman. O'Keeffe. Coob. Cumberland. Lorris. Bate. Miss Lee. Mrs. Cowly. -Inchbald. Rose. Dibdin. Andrews. Morton. Stuart. Murphy. Macklin. Jephson. M'Nally. Reynolds. Jemingham. Hoare. Hurlstone. Topham. &c. &c. To which are added, occasional notes. By - - -, Esq. agent to the Sun 1794 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Bethell, John Llangunnor Hill: a loco-descriptive poem. With notes 1794 Poetry English None Footnote Line

Morganwg, Iolo [pseud. of Williams, Edward] Poems, Lyric and Pastoral 1794 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Quote; Sign/number repeated Chatsiou, Ourania. Paratext and Poetics in British Romantic-Period Literature. Unpublished PhD thesis, 2009. 77-84.
Aignan, Étienne Aux Mânes des neuf victimes d'Orléans. Chants funèbres exécutés pour la première fois sur le théâtre d'Orléans, le 29 prairial, an III de la République française, et suivis de notes historiques 1794 Poetry French

Jephson, Robert Roman Portraits, a poem in heroick verse; with historical remarks and illustrations 1794 Poetry English Number/letter after line Footnote Sign/number repeated

Restif de la Bretonne, Nicolas Edme Monsieur-Nicolas; ou le Cœur-humain dévoilé. Publié par lui-même 1794-97 Prose French

Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Whyte, Samuel Poems on various subjects, ornamented with plates, and illustrated with notes, original letters and curious incidental anecdotes. In the course of which the pretended miracles of Vespasian are examined and detected 1795 Poetry English Sign after line Endnote at very end Line; Page; Quote

Bacon, James American Indian, or, Virtues of nature: a play, in three acts : with notes : founded on an Indian tale 1795 Drama English Number/letter after item Endnote at very end Sign/number repeated

Hübner, Eberhard Friedrich Herzog Eberhards Wiedergedächtnißfeier an Herzog Friederich Eugens Huldigungsfeste am 21. Julius 1795. dem dritten Jubiläum seit Wirtembergs Erhebung : nebst historischen Anmerkungen 1795 Poetry German

Budworth, Joseph The siege of Gibraltar; a poem 1795 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Pindar, Peregrine [pseud.] Ode to the hero of Finsbury Square; congratulatory on his late marriage, and illustrative of his genius as his own biographer 1795 Poetry English Number/letter after item Endnote at very end Sign/number repeated

Maurice, Thomas An Elegiac and Historical Poem, Sacred to the Memory and Virtues of the Honourable Sir William Jones: Containing a Retrospective Survey of the Progress of Science, and the Mohammedan Conquests in Asia 1795 Poetry English Number/letter after item; Number/letter before item Endnote at very end Sign/number repeated

Jean Paul Leben des Quintus Fixlein aus funfzehn Zettelkästen gezogen; nebst einem Mußteil und einigen Jus de tablette 1795 Prose German

Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Jean Paul Hesperus oder 45 Hundposttage. Eine Lebensbeschreibung 1795 Prose German

Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Avelloni, Giuseppe Isabella rovignana poema eroico di Giuseppe Avelloni con note 1795 Poetry Italian

Gifford, William The Maeviad 1795 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated Hawley, Judith. “Grub Street in Albion: or, Scriblerian Satire in the Romantic Metropolis.” Romanticism, vol. 14, no. 2, 2008, pp. 81–93. Like the annotations in Pope's Dunciad, Gifford's are divided into "imitations" and "notes".
Pindar, Peter [pseud. of Wolcot, John] Cap. A Satiric poem. Including most of the dramatic writers of the present day. By Peter Pindar, Esq. With notes, illustrative 1795 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Jean Paul Biographische Belustigungen unter der Gehirnschale einer Riesin 1795-1796 Prose German

Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Jean Paul Blumen-, Frucht- und Dornenstücke oder Ehestand, Tod und Hochzeit des Armenadvokaten F. St. Siebenkäs 1796 Prose German

Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Hamilton, Elizabeth Translation of the Letters of a Hindoo Rajah 1796 Prose English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated Britton, Jeanne M. “Fictional Footnotes, Romantic Orientalism, and the Remediated Novel: Elizabeth Hamilton's Translation of the Letters of a Hindoo Rajah.” European Romantic Review, vol. 26, no. 6, 2015, pp. 773–87. doi:10.1080/10509585.2015.1092081.

Watson, Alex. Romantic Marginality: Nation and Empire on the Borders of the Page, Pickering & Chatto, 2012.

Fitchett, John Bewsey : a poem 1796 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Southey, Robert Joan of Arc 1796 Poetry English None Footnote Line

Williams, William Redemption; a sacred poem. With notes, doctrinal, moral, and philosophical 1796 Poetry English Number/letter after item Endnote at very end Page; Sign/number repeated

Anonymous Progress of despotism, a poem, in two parts, with notes. 1796 Poetry English

Unfortunately, I could not find a digitised version of this work.
Mason, William Caractacus : a dramatic poem / by W. Mason ; adapted for theatrical representation, as performed at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden ; written on the model of the ancient Greek tragedy 1796 Drama English None Endnote at very end Page; Quote

Gilbert, William The hurricane: a theosophical and western eclogue. To which is subjoined, A solitary effusion in a summer's evening 1796 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Anonymous Hilliad; or, "Hard measure" versified, &c. A didactic poem. With notes, critical, explanatory, and ornamental. By J. W---n, Esq. 1796 Poetry English Number/letter after line Footnote Sign/number repeated

Bathos, Barnaby [pseud.] An heroic and elegiac ode, to the memory of Sir Jeffry Dunstan, the late patriotic member for the ancient and most respactable Borough of Garrat. [electronic resource] : By Barnaby Bathos, occupant of the attic asylum, critics-row, grub-street. With notes, historical, rhetorical, biographical, and critical; by Oxoniensis Oxycriticus, L.L.D.A.B.C. Humbly dedicated to the most noble, most illustrious, truly candid, benevolent, and most serene highness, the public 1796 Poetry English None Endnote at very end Quote

Anonymous The Lamentation of a dog, on the tax, and its consequences.: Addressed to the Right Hon. William Pitt. with notes by Scriblerus Secundus 1796 Poetry English None Endnote at very end Line

Jean Paul Der Jubelsenior. Ein Appendix 1797 Prose German

Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Dyer, George The poet's fate: a poetical dialogue 1797 Poetry English Number/letter after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Cozens, Zechariah Margate guide, a descriptive poem, with elucidatory notes. Also a general account of Ramsgate, Broadstairs, &c. By an inhabitant. 1797 Poetry English Number/letter after item Other Sign/number repeated
The annotations are located on a separate page, immediately following the page on which the annotated passages are located.
Jean Paul Das Kampanertal oder über die Unsterblichkeit der Seele, nebst einer Erklärung der Holzschnitte unter den 10 Geboten des Katechismus 1797 Prose German

Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Dawson, Charles Don poem : With large notes, giving an account of the most ancient families, castles, and curiosities on Don and its branches, with a full account of the battles of Harlaw, Brechin, and Alford 1797 Poetry English Number/letter before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Neal, Moses Leavitt The Presbyteriad. With notes critical and explanatory. 1797 Poetry English None Footnote Line; Quote

Senac de Meilhan, Gabriel L’Emigré 1797 Prose French

Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Wise, Joseph The system : A poem. With notes. In five books. By the Rev. Joseph Wise, Rector of Penhurst, Sussex, and Curate of Poplar, Meddlesex. 1797 Poetry English Number/letter after line; Sign after line Endnote at very end; Footnote Sign/number repeated
Long footnotes and longer endnotes.
Polewhele, Richard The unsex'd females; a poem, addressed to the author of The pursuits of literature. 1798 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated Dyer, Gary. British Satire and the Politics of Style, 1789-1832, CUP, 1997. p. 28.

Watson, Alex. Romantic Marginality: Nation and Empire on the Borders of the Page, Pickering & Chatto, 2012.

Boscawen, William The progress of satire: An essay in verse. With notes, containing remarks on "the pursuits of literature." 1798 Poetry English Number/letter before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Oedipus, Andrew The sphinx's head broken : or, a poetical epistle, with notes, to Thomas James M*th**s, Cl*rk to the Q***n's Tr**s*r*r. Proving him to be the author of the pursuits of literature, a satirical poem. With occasional digressions and remarks. By Andrew Oedipus, an injured author 1798 Poetry English Number/letter after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Restif de la Bretonne, Nicolas Edme L'Anti-Justine, ou Les Délices de l'amour. Par M. Linguet, Av. au et en Parlem 1798 Prose French

Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Palmer, Joseph Windermere, a poem, by Joseph Budworth 1798 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Anonymous Druriad: or strictures on the principal performers of Drury-Lane Theatre: a satirical poem: with notes critical and explanatory. 1798 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Landor, Walter Savage Gebir 1798 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Marjoribanks, John Trifles in verse: volume fourth. Being the Posthumous poems of Captain John Marjoribanks, of a late independent company 1798 Poetry English Sign after line Footnote Sign/number repeated

Gifford, John Orange : a political rhapsody 1798 Poetry English None Footnote Line Jackson, Heather J. Romantic Readers: The Evidence of Marginalia, Yale UP, 2005. p. 222 Uses 'gutted' names.

"The Printer to the Reader" claims that he author's identity is unknown and that the printer's friends helped him annotate the work. --> definitely modelled on The Dunciad
Dutton, Thomas Literary census: a satirical poem; with notes, &c. Including free and candid strictures on The pursuits of literature, and its anonymous author. 1798 Poetry English Number/letter after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Jean Paul Palingenesien 1798 Prose German

Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Booker, Luke Malvern, a descriptive and historical poem 1798 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated
Very few annotations
Chladenius, Carl Gottfried Theodor Meißen und Afra : zwey Lobgedichte ihren Einwohnern, Verehrern, Freunden und Fürstenschulzöglingen gewidmet; Mit historischen und andern zur Erläuterung dienenden Anmerkungen 1798 (ca.) Poetry German

Wordsworth, William Lyrical Ballads 1798/1800 Poetry English Sign after item Endnote at very end; Footnote Line; Page; Quote; Sign/number repeated Broadhead, Alex. “Framing Dialect in the 1800 Lyrical Ballads: Wordsworth, Regionalisms and Footnotes.” Language and Literature, vol. 19, no. 3, 2010, pp. 249-63.

Watson, Alex. Romantic Marginality: Nation and Empire on the Borders of the Page, Pickering & Chatto, 2012.

Anonymous Buonaparte's reverie: a poem 1799 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Trumbull, John M'Fingal: a modern epic poem, in four cantos. By John Trumbull, Esq. With explanatory notes. 1799 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Gentleman of Earl St. Vincent's fleet The battle of the Nile: A descriptive poem. Addressed as a tributary wreath to nautic bravery. By a gentleman of Earl St. Vincent's Fleet. 1799 Poetry English None Footnote Line; Quote

Tresham, Henry Rome at the close of the eighteenth century!!! A poem, with notes. 1799 Poetry English Number/letter after line Footnote Sign/number repeated

Gisborne, Thomas Innovation: a poem 1799 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Booker, Luke The hop-garden, a didactic poem 1799 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Hammer-Purgstall, Joseph von Die Befreyung Von Akri : Ein Historisches Gedicht Mit Noten Aus Vollgültigen Quellen 1799 Poetry German

Anonymous Lavinia, A Poem; and An Asiatic Petition. Both recommended to the attention of the ladies, by a friend. 1799 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Sotheby, William The battle of the Nile, a poem 1799 Poetry English None Endnote at very end Quote

Bond, Thomas Lachrymæ Hiberniæ; or, the tears of Ireland, a poem 1799 Poetry English Number/letter after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Wodhull, Michael The equality of mankind: a poem 1799 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Manners, Catharine Rebecca Review of poetry, ancient and modern. A poem. By Lady M****** 1799 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated
very few annotations, very short ones
Maurice, Thomas Grove-Hill, a descriptive poem, with an ode to Mithra, by the author of Indian antiquities. 1799 Poetry English None Endnote at very end Line; Page; Quote

Pattison, Samuel The golden lamp yet burning! A poem. 1799 Poetry English None Footnote Line

Holford, George The cave of Neptune; a dramatic poem: On the Victory gained by the English Fleet, under the Command of Lord Howe, in 1794 1799 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Sharpe, Richard S. The Margate new guide; or memoirs of five families out of six : who in town discontent with a good situation, make Margate the place of their summer migration ; with notes, and occasional anecdotes 1799 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Polwhele, Richard Grecian prospects, a poem in two cantos 1799 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Biglow, William Education: a poem, spoken at Cambridge, at the request of the Phi Beta Kappa, July 18th, 1799. 1799 Poetry English Sign after line Footnote Sign/number repeated

Alexander, H. The morning walk: or, The verge of the city. A poem 1799 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Nicolai, Friedrich Geheime Correspondenz zwischen dem dicken Manne Sempronius Gundibert und Friedrich Nicolai D., gefunden zwischen Jena und Königsberg. Mit Anmerkungen herausgegeben von Immanuele Sincero. Querlequitsch. Im ersten Jahre der Runkelrüben und Fichten 1799 Poetry German

Canning, George; Gifford, William; Ellis, George; Hookham Frere, John The Poetry of the Anti-Jacobin 1799 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated
The indications and the information given to identify the passage in the notes differ from poem to poem.
Sometimes, there is no indication in the text. In these cases, the annotation provides the line number.
Anonymous Der Landsturm von Kurmainz : mit Anmerkungen ; Zum Besten der Verwundeten bei demselben verleget 1799 Poetry German

Jean Paul Briefe und Bevorstehender Lebenslauf 1799 Prose German

Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Trotter, Dr. Suspiria Oceani, a Monody on the Death of Richard Earl Howe 1800 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Mathias, Thomas James The shade of Alexander Pope, on the banks of the Thames. A satirical poem, with notes. Occasioned chiefly, but not wholly, by the residence of Henry Grattan, ex-representative in Parliament for the city of Dublin, at Twickenham, in November, 1798. 1800 Poetry English Number/letter after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Llwyd, Richard Beaumaris Bay, a poem: with notes, descriptive and explanatory; particulars of the druids, founders of some of the fifteen tribes of North Wales, the families descended from them, ... With an appendix: ... 1800 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated Edwards, Elizabeth. “Footnotes to a Nation: Richard Llwyd’s Beaumaris Bay (1800).” Voice and Context in Eighteenth-Century Verse, edited by Joanna Fowler and Allan Ingram, Palgrave Macmillan, 2015, pp. 133–51.
Edgeworth, Maria Castle Rackrent 1800 Prose English None; Sign after item Footnote; Other Page; Quote; Sign/number repeated Stevenson, Jane. “The Politics of Historiography: Or, Novels with Footnotes.” Forging in the Smithy: National Identity and Representation in Anglo-Irish Literary History, edited by Joep Leerssen and Cedric C. Barfoot, Rodopi, 1995, pp. 195–206.

Watson, Alex. Romantic Marginality: Nation and Empire on the Borders of the Page, Pickering & Chatto, 2012.
There are two types of annotations: (1) footnotes and (2) a glossary, which appears before the main text.
Cottle, Joseph Alfred, An Epic Poem 1800 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated Simpson, Erik. Literary Minstrelsy, 1770-1830: Minstrels and Improvisers in British, Irish, and American Literature, Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.
Gifford, William Epistle to Peter Pindar 1800 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Jean Paul Titan 1800 Prose German

Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Arnim, Ludwig Achim von Armut, Reichtum, Schuld und Buße der Gräfin Dolores. Eine wahre Geschichte zur lehrreichen Unterhaltung armer Fräulein 1801 Prose German

Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Lucas, Charles The Infernal Quixote 1801 Prose English

Watson, Alex. Romantic Marginality: Nation and Empire on the Borders of the Page, Pickering & Chatto, 2012.
Damin, Louis Mon siècle, ou Les trois satires , suivi de notes historiques, critiques et littéraires 1801 Poetry French

Anonymous London Cries, or, pictures of tumult and distress: a poem. To which is added, the Hall of Pedantry, With Notes. 1801 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Mareck, Johann Baptist Das Erzbisthum Wiens. Ein historisches Gedicht (mit Anmerkungen) 1801 Poetry German

Anonymous La Bagarre du Pont-neuf, ou les cerises renversées. Poème heroï-comico-satyrico-burlesque, en trois chants, suivis de notes historiques, critiques et littéraires 1801 Poetry French

Stewart, Charles The Regicide, an Heroic Poem. In twenty-six books: with notes, and a dedication to the friend of Tallien 1801 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated Jackson, Heather J. Romantic Readers: The Evidence of Marginalia, Yale UP, 2005. p. 222 I could not find the original work, only a review containing a long extract fromt hhe work (in: The Anti-Jacobin Review, April-August 1801, vol. 9)
Sawyer, Anna Poems on various subjects : with notes, historical and explanatory 1801 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Fox, William, the Younger La bagatella, or, Delineations of home scenery : a descriptive poem, with notes, critical and historical 1801 Poetry English None; Sign before item Footnote Line; Sign/number repeated
Sometimes, the annotation is indicated by an asterisk; sometimes, there is no indication.
Hubbard, John Clarke Jacobinism : a poem 1801 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Brentano, Clemens Godwi oder Das steinerne Bild der Mutter. Ein verwilderter Roman von Maria 1801 Prose German

Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Moore, Thomas The poetical works of the late Thomas Little, Esq. 1801 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated Tonra, Justin. “Masks of Refinement: Pseudonym, Paratext, and Authorship in the Early Poetry of Thomas Moore.” European Romantic Review, vol. 25, no. 5, 2014, pp. 551–73. Very few annotations (and they are presented as being written by the 'editor')
Southey, Robert Thalaba, the Destroyer 1801 Poetry English None Endnote after chapter/canto Page; Quote Chatsiou, Ourania. Paratext and Poetics in British Romantic-Period Literature. Unpublished PhD thesis, 2009.

Chatsiou, Ourania. “Robert Southey's 'Old Curiosity-Shops': 'Common-Placing' and Paratext.” Working With English, vol. 4, no. 1, 2008, pp. 19-38.

Porter, Dahlia. “Formal Relocations: The Method of Southey's Thalaba the Destroyer (1801).” European Romantic Review, vol. 20, no. 5, 2009, pp. 671–79.

Simmons, Clare A. “'Useful and Wasteful Both': Southey's Thalaba the Destroyer and the Function of Annotation in the Romantic Oriental Poem.” Genre: Forms of Discourse and Culture, vol. 27, 1-2, 1994, pp. 83-104.

Watson, Alex. Romantic Marginality: Nation and Empire on the Borders of the Page, Pickering & Chatto, 2012.
According to Porter, it was originally published with footnotes rather than endnotes (cf. 672). Southey also refers to this fact in a letter to H.H. Southey (16 Oct. 1808) and to John May (12 Oct. 1808).
Dusausoir, François-Jean Le Bois de Boulogne, poème suivi de notes historiques et critiques 1801 Poetry French

Pindar, Peter [pseud. of Wolcot, John] Out at last! or, The fallen minister 1801 Poetry English None Footnote Quote Lessenich, Rolf. Neoclassical Satire and the Romantic School 1780–1830, V&R Unipress, 2012.
Jean Paul Das heimliche Klaglied der jetzigen Männer; eine Stadtgeschichte und Die wunderbare Gesellschaft in der Neujahrsnacht 1801 Prose German

Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Pratt, Samuel Jackson Poor; or, Bread. A poem. With notes and illustrations. 1802 Poetry English Number/letter after item Endnote at very end Page; Quote; Sign/number repeated
There are also annotations on the annotations
Anonymous London; a Poem Satirical and Descriptive, illustrated with Notes 1802 Poetry English

Unfortunately, I could not find a digitised version of this work.
Drais von Sauerbronn, Karl Wilhelm Ludwig Friedrich von An die Wahrheit : ein Gedicht in vier lyrischen Gesängen mit philosophischen Noten über die menschliche Kultur 1803 Poetry German

Cririe, James Scottish Scenery, or, Sketches in Verse, Descriptive of Scenes chiefy in the Highlands of Scotland. With Notes and Illustrations 1803 Poetry English Number/letter after line Endnote at very end Page; Quote; Sign/number repeated
There are also annotations on the annotations
Porter, Jane Thaddeus of Warsaw 1803 Prose English

Simpson, Erik. Literary Minstrelsy, 1770-1830: Minstrels and Improvisers in British, Irish, and American Literature, Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. There are very few notes. (In fact, I could not find a single one, but Simpson says that there are notes. Maybe in a later edition?)
Tresham, Henry Britannicus to Buonaparte. An Heroic Epistle, with Notes 1803 Poetry English

Unfortunately, I could not find a digitised version of this work.
Pratt, Samuel Jackson Cottage-pictures, or, The poor: a poem, with notes and illustrations 1803 Poetry English Number/letter after item Endnote at very end Page; Quote; Sign/number repeated

Roberdeau, John Peter Fugitive verse and prose; with notes, observations and suggestions upon various temporary public subjects. 1803 Poetry English Number/letter after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Alley, Jerom The judge; or, An estimate of the importance of the judicial character, occasioned by the death of the late Lord Clare, Lord Chancellor of Ireland. A poem, in three cantos 1803 Poetry English Number/letter after item Endnote at very end Sign/number repeated
There are also annotations on the annotations
Boswell, Alexander The spirit of Tintoc: a ballad : with notes 1803 Poetry English Sign after item; Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Lathrop, John Speech of Caunonicus, or, An Indian tradition : a poem with explanatory notes 1803 Poetry English Number/letter after line; Sign after line Foot- and endnotes Sign/number repeated
Shorter annotations: footnotes (indication: sign)

Longer annotations: endnotes (indication: number)
Huddersford, George Bonaparte : an heroic ballad with a sermon in its belly, which that renowned warrior and most revered theologian preached at his visitation of the good people of Egypt with explanatory notes 1803 Poetry English None Endnote at very end Page; Quote

Darwin, Erasmus Temple of nature, or, The origin of society : a poem, with philosophical notes. 1803 Poetry English None Footnote Line; Quote

Fessenden, Thomas Green Terrible tractoration. A poetical petition against galvanising trumpery, and the Perkinistic institution, in four cantos. By Christopher Caustic 1803 (2nd ed.) Poetry English Number/letter after line Footnote Quote; Sign/number repeated
The notes are almost as numerous and long as those in the Dunciad
Herbert, W. Miscellaneous Poetry 1804 Poetry English

Unfortunately, I could not find a digitised version of this work
Carey, David The reign of fancy : a poem; with notes, lyric tales, etc. / By the author of the "Pleasures of nature." 1804 Poetry English

Unfortunately, I could not find a digitised version of this work
Campbell, Alexander The Grampians desolate: a poem 1804 Poetry English Number/letter after line Endnote at very end Page; Quote; Sign/number repeated

Withchurch, Samuel Hispaniola, a Poem: With Appropriate Notes. To which are Added, Lines on the Crucifixion; and Other Poetical Pieces 1804 Poetry English Number/letter after item Endnote at very end Sign/number repeated

Senancour, Étienne Pivert de Oberman 1804 Prose French

Séité, Yannick. Du livre au lire: La nouvelle Héloïse: Roman des Lumières, Champion, 2002. p. 274 Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Boiste, Pierre-Claude-Victor L'Univers, poëme en prose, en douze chants , suivi de notes et d'observations sur le système de Newton et la théorie physique de la Terre... 2e éd. 1804 Poetry French

Bowles, William Lisle Spirit of discovery, or, The conquest of ocean: a poem in five books : with notes, historical and illustrative 1804 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Jean Paul Flegeljahre. Eine Biographie 1804-1805 Prose German

Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Scott, Walter The Lay of the Last Minstrel 1805 Poetry English None; Sign after item Foot- and endnotes Line; Page; Sign/number repeated Alexander, John H. The Lay of the Last Minstrel: Three Essays, Institut für Englische Sprache und Literatur, 1978.

Hughes, Gillian. “Pickling Virgil? Scott's Notes to The Lay of the Last Minstrel.” Scottish Literary Review, vol. 7, no. 2, 2015, pp. 51–62.
Short annotations: footnotes, indicated by sign

Long annotations: endnotes at the very end, not indicated
Klingemann, Ernst August Nachtwachen. Von Bonaventura 1805 Prose German

Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
D'Israeli, Isaac Flim­Flams! or, the Life and Errors of My Uncle, and the Amours of My Aunt! 1805 Prose English

Shee, Martin Archer Rhymes on Art; or the Remonstrance of a Painter; with notes and a preface, including strictures on the state of the arts, criticism, patronage, and public taste. 1805 Poetry English None Footnote Line; Quote

Southey, Robert Madoc 1805 Poetry English None Endnote at very end Page; Quote; Stanza

Goulburn, Edward The blueviad, a satyrical poem 1805 Poetry English None Footnote Line; Quote

Anonymous The Alexandriad.: Being an humble attempt to enumerate in rhyme some of those acts which distinguish the reign of the Emperor Alexander 1805 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Southey, Robert Metrical tales and other poems 1805 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated Chatsiou, Ourania. Paratext and Poetics in British Romantic-Period Literature. Unpublished PhD thesis, 2009. Very few annotations
Anonymous ["Terrae Filius"] Werneria; or, Short characters of earths: with notes according to the improvements of Klaproth, Vauquelin, and Hauy 1805 Poetry English None Footnote Quote

Branagan, Thomas Avenia, or, A tragical poem : on the oppression of the human species and infringement on the rights of man; in five books; with notes explanatory and miscellaneous, written in imitation of Homer's Iliad 1805 Poetry English None Endnote at very end Line; Page; Quote

Croker, John Wilson The Amazoniad; or, Figure and fashion a scuffle in high life. With notes critical and historical interspersed with choice anecdotes of Bon Ton. 1806 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Moore, Thomas Epistles, odes, and other poems 1806 Poetry English Number/letter after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Impey, Elijah Barwell Daylesford : a poem 1806 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Anonymous Torio­Whiggo­Machia; or, The Battle of the Whigs and Tories 1806 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated
mostly intertextual annotations
Rickman, Thomas Clio Corruption, A Satire 1806 Poetry English

Unfortunately, I could not find a digitised version of this work
Holcroft, Thomas Tales in Verse, Critical, Satirical, Humurous 1806 Poetry English Number/letter after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Owenson, Sydney (Lady Morgan) The Wild Irish Girl 1806 Prose English

Chatsiou, Ourania. Paratext and Poetics in British Romantic-Period Literature. Unpublished PhD thesis, 2009.

Stevenson, Jane. “The Politics of Historiography: Or, Novels with Footnotes.” Forging in the Smithy: National Identity and Representation in Anglo-Irish Literary History, edited by Joep Leerssen and Cedric C. Barfoot, Rodopi, 1995, pp. 195–206.

Watson, Alex. Romantic Marginality: Nation and Empire on the Borders of the Page, Pickering & Chatto, 2012.

Scott, Walter Ballads and Lyrical Pieces 1806 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Mannings, John Spelman Cromer, a descriptive poem 1806 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Cautery, Cornelius [pseud.?] The retaliation : a poem, in six cantos, with notes; being a counter-part to Fessenden's, alias Doctor Caustic's, alias the hydraulic engineer's Democracy unveiled / by Cornelius Cautery 1806 Poetry English Number/letter after line Footnote Quote; Sign/number repeated

Lee, Chauncey The trial of virtue : a sacred poem; being a paraphrase of the whole book of Job, and designed as an explanatory comment upon the divine original; interspersed with critical notes upon a variety of its passages; in six books; to which is annexed, a dissertation upon the book of Job 1806 Poetry English Other Footnote Line; Quote

Anonymous Fashion's analysis, or, The Winter in town : a satirical poem / by Anthony Avalanche; with notes, illustrations, etc., by Gregory Glacier 1807 Poetry English None Endnote at very end Quote; Sign/number repeated

Bolton, Aquilla M. The Independency of the mind affirmed : a poem in two parts with occasional notes 1807 Poetry English None Footnote Line
very few annotations
Poirier, Louis-Eugène Eloge historique de Jean-Bart...suivi de notes 1807 Prose French

Barrett, Eaton Stannard All the talents; a satirical poem, in three dialogues 1807 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Quote; Sign/number repeated
Also contains annotations on the annotations (by Scriblerus). As in the Dunciad, Scriblerus sometimes misunderstands the text.
Smith, Charlotte Beachy Head 1807 Poetry English None Endnote at very end Line; Page; Quote Labbe, Jacqueline M. “'Transplanted into More Congenial Soil': Footnoting the Self in the Poetry of Charlotte Smith.” Ma(r)king the Text: The Presentation of Meaning on the Literary Page, edited by Joe Bray et al., Ashgate, 2000, 71-86.

Labbe, Jacqueline M. Charlotte Smith: Romanticism, Poetry and the Culture of Gender, Manchester UP, 2003.

Reinfandt, Christoph. “The Textures of Romanticism: Exploring Charlotte Smith’s ‘Beachy Head’ (1807).” Anglistentag 2012 Potsdam: Proceedings, edited by Katrin Röder and Ilse Wischer, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2013, pp. 99-114.

Ireland, William Henry All the blocks! : or, an antidote to 'All the talents'. A satirical poem in three dialogues 1807 Poetry English Sign before item Footnote Quote; Sign/number repeated

Byron, George Gordon Hours of Idleness 1807 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Chrononhotonthologos [pseud., attributed to David Carey] Ins and Outs; or, The State of Parties. A Satirical Poem 1807 Poetry English None Footnote Quote

Diogenes [pseud. of Scheer, Frederick] The Royal Eclipse; Or Delicate Facts Exhibiting the Secret Memirs of Squire George and His Wife. With Notes 1807 Prose English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Sedley, Charles [pseud.?] The Barouche Driver and his Wife: A Tale for Haut Ton. Containging a Curious Biography of Living Characters, With Notes Explanatory. In two volumes. 1807 Prose English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Hayley, William The triumphs of temper : a poem: in six cantos 1807 Poetry English Sign after item; Sign before item Footnote Sign/number repeated Robertson, Ritchie. Mock-Epic Poetry from Pope to Heine, OUP, 2009. 126ff.
Anonymous The groans of the talents; or, Private sentiments on public occurences. In six epistles from certain ex-ministers to their colleagues, most wonderfully intercepted. To which are added notes, critical, explanatory, and edifying 1807 Poetry English Sign after line Footnote Quote; Sign/number repeated

Hamilton, Anne Epics of the Ton; or, Glories of the great world. A poem, in two books, with notes and illustrations 1807 Poetry English None Footnote Line

Staël, Germaine de Corinne 1807 Prose French Number/letter after item; Sign after item Foot- and endnotes Line; Page; Sign/number repeated

Roman, Jean-Joseph-Thérèse Les Échecs, poème en 4 chants, par feu l'abbé Roman, précédé de recherches historiques sur les échecs, et suivi de notes 1807 Poetry French

Wordsworth, William Poems, in Two Volumes 1807 Poetry English None Endnote at very end Line; Page; Quote

Stewart, John The resurrection : a poem 1808 Poetry English Number/letter after item Endnote at very end Quote; Sign/number repeated

Tighe, William The plants, a poem, cantos the first and second, with notes 1808 Poetry English Other Endnote after chapter/canto Line; Quote
Indication: sign before the line in which the annotated item appears
Pindar Minimus [pseud.] Little odes to great folks; with a dedicatory dithyrambic to Sir R-ch-rd Ph-ll-ps, knight. By Pindar Minimus; With notes, critical and explanatory, By Sextus Scriblerus 1808 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated
Also uses the printer's devil as an editorial persona.
Anonymous Pursuits of agriculture; a satirical poem, in three cantos, with notes 1808 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Quote; Sign/number repeated

Mant, Richard The Simpliciad 1808 Poetry English None; Sign before item Footnote Line; Quote; Sign/number repeated Fuess, Claude Moore. Lord Byron as a Satirist in Verse, Russell & Russell, 1964. p. 36 Explanatory annotations: sign before item; sign repeated and quote
Intertextual annotations: no indication; line number given
Greenshields, John B. Home : a poem 1808 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated
very few annotations
Scott, Walter Marmion; a tale of Flodden Field. Illustrated with engravings from the designs of R. Westall; with notes to each canto. 1808 Poetry English None; Number/letter after item Foot- and endnotes Page; Quote; Sign/number repeated
Short annotations: footnotes, indicated by letter

Long annotations: endnotes, often no indication, but there is a letter after "The very form of Hilda fair" (Canto VI, page 321), leading to a footnote saying "See note".
Moore, Thomas Corruption and Intolerance: two poems. With notes. Addressed to an Englishman by an Irishman 1808 Poetry English Number/letter after item; Sign after line Footnote Sign/number repeated Simpson, Erik. Literary Minstrelsy, 1770-1830: Minstrels and Improvisers in British, Irish, and American Literature, Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. Very extensively annotated; also has notes on the notes

Indications in the poem: signs

Indications in the annotations (leading to the annotations for the annotations): numbers
Noble, Thomas Blackheath; a poem, in five cantos 1808 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Grahame, James Siege of Copenhagen. A poem; with notes 1808 Poetry English None Endnote at very end Line; Page; Quote

Mayne, John The siller gun : a poem in four cantos, with notes and a glossary 1808 Poetry English None Endnote at very end Page; Quote

Jean Paul Des Feldpredigers Schmelzle Reise nach Flätz mit fortgehenden Noten; nebst Der Beichte des Teufels bei einem Staatsmanne 1808 Prose German

Eckstein, Evelyn. Fussnoten: Anmerkungen zu Poesie und Wissenschaft, Lit, 2001. 151-154.

Rehm, Walther. “Jean Pauls vergnügtes Notenleben oder Notenmacher und Notenleser.” Späte Studien, Francke, 1964, 7-96.

Anonymous The Twelve : a poem, in three cantos 1808 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Roxby, Robert The lay of the Reedwater minstrel, illustr. with notes historical and explanatory, by a son of Reed 1809 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Ireland, William Henry The fisher boy, a poem comprising his several avocations, during the four seasons of the year 1809 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Lambe, Robert An exact history of the battle of Flodden: in verse 1809 Poetry English None Endnote at very end Line
It is very hard to find the annotated passage in the text because the lines are not numbered even though the annotations refer to line numbers.

Also contains several appendices.
Campbell, Thomas Gertrude of Wyoming : Pennsylvanian tale ; and other poems 1809 Poetry English None; Number/letter after item Foot- and endnotes Line; Quote; Sign/number repeated; Stanza Robertson, Fiona. Legitimate Histories: Scott, Gothic, and the Authorities of Fiction, Clarendon, 1998. Short annotations: indicated by letter; footnotes

Long annotations: no indication; endnotes
Jean Paul Dr. Katzenbergers Badereise nebst einer Auswahl Verbesserter Werkchen 1809 Prose German

Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Anonymous "What-do-you-want?" : explained in a poetical epistle from O.P. to all the Aitches, with notes illustrative. 1809 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Shee, Martin Archer Elements of art, a poem; in six cantos; with notes and a preface; including strictures on the state of the arts, criticism, patronage, and public taste. 1809 Poetry English None Footnote Line; Quote
The annotations are very long and span several pages; it is a bit difficult to find out which annotation belongs to which line.
Croker, John Wilson The battles of Talavera : A poem 1809 Poetry English None Endnote at very end Line; Page; Quote

Hodgson, Francis Lady Jane Grey : a tale, in two books : with miscellaneous poems 1809 Poetry English None Endnote after chapter/canto Page; Quote
Rather an appendix than a collection of notes.

There are also some footnotes attached to the shorter poems.
Moore, Thomas The Sceptic; a Philosophical Satire 1809 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Anonymous Faction, a poem with notes 1809 Poetry English

Unfortunately, I could not find a digitised version of this work
Woodworth, Samuel New-Haven : a poem, satirical and sentimental, with critical, humorous, descriptive, historical, biographical, and explanatory notes / by Selim 1809 Poetry English None Footnote Quote

Owenson, Sydney (Lady Morgan) Woman, or Ida of Athens 1809 Prose English Number/letter after item; Other; Sign after item Foot- and endnotes Page; Sign/number repeated Chatsiou, Ourania. Paratext and Poetics in British Romantic-Period Literature. Unpublished PhD thesis, 2009. The footnotes refer to the respective endnotes in which the real annotation is to be found.
Guillon, M.-N.-S. Éloge de M. d'Orléans de Lamotte, évêque d'Amiens, suivi de notes historiques 1809 Poetry French

Barlow, Joel The Columbiad; a poem 1809 Poetry English None Endnote at very end Line; Quote

Anonymous The hermitage, or views of life and manners : a poem, with notes 1809 Poetry English Number/letter after line Endnote after chapter/canto Sign/number repeated
The notes also appear in the table of contents under headings like "On Music".
Aorist, Peter [pseud.] The brandiad : a poem, in two books 1809 Poetry English Number/letter after line Endnote at very end Quote; Sign/number repeated

Northmore, Thomas Washington; or, Liberty restored: a poem, in ten books 1809 Poetry English None Footnote Line; Quote

Rostan, Casimir La mort du général Cervoni a la bataille d'Eckmuhl: poème lyrique, suivi de notes historiques sur la vie militaire et civile de ce guerrier 1809 Poetry French

Macro [pseud.] The Scotiad : or Wise men of the North!!! A serio-comic and satiric poem in three cantos / by Macro 1809 Poetry English None Footnote Quote
But at the end of the volume, there are also annotations indicated by numbers (and still presented as footnotes).
Byron, George Gordon English Bards and Scotch Reviewers 1809 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Pratt, Samuel Jackson The lower world; a poem, in four books, with notes 1810 Poetry English Number/letter after item; Sign after item Foot- and endnotes Quote; Sign/number repeated
Short annotations: sign and footnote

Long annotations: number and endnote
Smedley, Edward Erin : a geographical and descriptive poem 1810 Poetry English Number/letter after item Endnote at very end Sign/number repeated

Scrawlenburgius, Johannes [pseud.] The combustible : a heroic poem; with notes critical and explanatory 1810 Poetry English None Footnote Line; Quote

Sympson, Joseph Science revived, or, The vision of Alfred : a poem in eight cantos with biographical notes 1810 Poetry English Number/letter after line Endnote at very end Page; Quote; Sign/number repeated

Arbuckle, James Glotta, or, The Clyde, a poem 1810 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Anonymous The Maid of Renmore: Or, Platonic Love; a Mock Heroic Romance, in Verse, with Burlesque Notes in humble imitation of modern annotators 1810 Poetry English Number/letter before item Endnote at very end Quote; Sign/number repeated

Rogers, Samuel The Voyage of Columbus 1810 Poetry English None; Number/letter after item Endnote at very end; Foot- and endnotes; Footnote Line; Page; Quote; Sign/number repeated
Short notes: footnotes, indicated by letter
Long notes: no indication, endnotes
Sotheby, William Constance de Castile : a poem, in ten cantos 1810 Poetry English None Endnote at very end Page; Quote

Peacock, Thomas Love The genius of the Thames: a lyrical poem, in two parts 1810 Poetry English None Endnote at very end Page; Quote

Scott, Walter The Lady of the Lake 1810 Poetry English None; Sign after item Foot- and endnotes Page; Quote; Sign/number repeated; Stanza
Short annotations: indicated by sign and footnotes

Lond annotations: no indication and endnotes
Porter, Jane The Scottish Chiefs 1810 Prose English Number/letter after item Endnote at very end Page; Sign/number repeated Robertson, Fiona. Legitimate Histories: Scott, Gothic, and the Authorities of Fiction, Clarendon, 1998.

Simpson, Erik. Literary Minstrelsy, 1770-1830: Minstrels and Improvisers in British, Irish, and American Literature, Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.

Boswell, Alexander Edinburgh, or The ancient royalty :
a sketch of former manners : with notes /
by Simon Gray.
1810 Poetry English Sign after item Endnote at very end; Footnote Page; Sign/number repeated
Footnotes refer to endnotes
Goulburn, Edward The Pursuits of Fashion 1810 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Quote; Sign/number repeated

Southey, Robert The Curse of Kehama 1810 Poetry English None Endnote at very end Page; Quote Chatsiou, Ourania. Paratext and Poetics in British Romantic-Period Literature. Unpublished PhD thesis, 2009.

Chatsiou, Ourania. “Robert Southey's 'Old Curiosity-Shops': 'Common-Placing' and Paratext.” Working With English, vol. 4, no. 1, 2008, pp. 19-38.

Robertson, Fiona. Legitimate Histories: Scott, Gothic, and the Authorities of Fiction, Clarendon, 1998.

Jean Paul Leben Fibels, des Verfassers der Bienrodischen Fibel 1811 Prose German

Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Webb, Francis Somerset : a poem 1811 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Mitford, John Agnes, the Indian captive. A poem, in four cantos. With other poems. 1811 Poetry English None Endnote at very end Page; Quote

Anonymous The festivaliad : a singular metrical poem, written in commemoration of the Festival of Saint John, the first Christian Mason, which was celebrated at Dorchester, Mass. June 24th, anno Domini 1807, annoque lucis 5807 / by Morpheus Stupor; to which are prefixed, a few prefatory remarks, and through the whole are interspersed a number of interesting observations and explanatory notes, by Hezekiah Hectic 1811 Poetry English Number/letter before item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Anonymous Catalonia, a poem; with notes illustrative of the present state of affairs in the Peninsula. 1811 Poetry English None Endnote at very end Stanza

Mitford, Mary Russell Christina, the maid of the South seas; a poem 1811 Poetry English None; Number/letter after item Endnote at very end; Footnote Page; Quote; Sign/number repeated
Contains footnotes and endnotes
Leadbetter, Mary &
Edgeworth, Maria
Cottage Dialogues Amongst the Irish Peasantry 1811 Prose English Number/letter after item Endnote at very end Page; Quote; Sign/number repeated

Hobhouse, John Cam The Wonders of a Week at Bath 1811 Poetry English Number/letter after item Footnote Sign/number repeated
very few annotations, very short ones
Drummond, William Hamilton The Giant's Causeway, a poem 1811 Poetry English None Endnote at very end Page; Quote

Brandon, Isaac Instruction; a poem 1811 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Colton, Charles Caleb Hypocrisy: A Satire 1812 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Anonymous The legend of Cathleen and Kevin 1812 Poetry English Number/letter after item Endnote at very end; Foot- and endnotes; Footnote Sign/number repeated Ravelhofer, Barbara. “Oral Poetry and the Printing Press in Byron's The Giaour.” Romanticism: The Journal of Romantic Culture and Criticism, vol. 11, no. 1, 2005, pp. 23–40.
Arnim, Ludwig Achim von Isabella von Ägypten. Kaiser Karl des Fünften erste Jugendliebe 1812 Prose German

Found on Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik's list of annotated fiction: http://www.amrandebemerkt.de/bibliographie.htm
Peacock, Thomas Love The philosophy of melancholy : a poem in four parts with a mythological ode 1812 Poetry English None Endnote after chapter/canto Page; Quote

Lovett, John Washington's birth day: an historical poem, with notes and appendix / by a Washingtonian. 1812 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Rowlandson, Thomas Petticoat Loose, A Poem with notes 1812 Poetry English

Unfortunately, I could not find a digitised version of this work
Grenville, George Nugent Portugal, a Poem in Two Parts 1812 Poetry English Number/letter before item Endnote at very end Page; Quote

Bigge, John [pseud.] Contes de Fous, and other trifles in verse, with notes, critical and explanatory 1812 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Phillips, Charles The Emerald Isle : a poem, with notes 1812 Poetry English None Endnote at very end Page; Quote

Cervantes [pseud.] The state doctors, or A tale of the times. A poem, in four cantos. 1812 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Anonymous Drury. A poem 1812 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated
Very few annotations
Pindar, Peter [pseud. of Wolcot, John] The works of Peter Pindar, Esq. : to which are prefixed memoirs of the author's life 1812 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Ireland, William Henry Neglected genius, a poem 1812 Poetry English Number/letter after item Endnote at very end Sign/number repeated
Reviewed by Byron: Monthly Review (Enlarged Series), vol. lxx (Jan.–Apr. 1813), art. xv, pp. 203–5. Review also published in Prothero ii. 420–3 and in Byron's Miscellaneous Prose.
Byron, George Gordon Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage I and II (1st ed) 1812 (1st ed.) Poetry English None; Sign after item Foot- and endnotes Line; Quote; Sign/number repeated; Stanza
Short notes: footnotes, indicated by sign

Long notes: endnotes, not indicated, after each canto
Byron, George Gordon Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage I and II (2nd ed onwards) 1812 (2nd ed. onwards) Poetry English Number/letter after item Endnote at very end Line; Quote; Sign/number repeated; Stanza

Paulding, James Kirke The lay of the Scottish fiddle.
A poem in five cantos.
Supposed to be written by W---- S----, Esq.
1813 Poetry English None; Number/letter after line Foot- and endnotes Quote; Sign/number repeated
A few footnotes, many endnotes; footnotes indicated by asterisk, no indication for the endnotes
Montgomery, James The world before the flood, a poem, in ten cantos : with other occasional pieces 1813 Poetry English Other; Sign after item Foot- and endnotes Line; Sign/number repeated
Mostly footnotes, but one of them refers to an endnote at the very end of the poem
MacCumhaill, Finn Fingal, a Fine-Eirin: a poem in six cantos; with notes intended to delineate the manners and state of society of ancient Ireland. 1813 Poetry English None Endnote at very end Page; Quote

Anonymous Forbury Hill, a poem 1813 Poetry English Number/letter after item Endnote at very end Quote; Sign/number repeated

Shelley, Percy Bysshe Queen Mab : a philosophical poem : with notes 1813 Poetry English None Endnote at very end Page; Quote; Stanza Erchinger, Philipp. “Science, footnotes and the margins of poetry in Percy B. Shelley’s Queen Mab and Charlotte Smith’s Beachy Head.” European Journal of English Studies, vol. 22, no. 3, 2018, pp. 241–57.

Morton, Timothy. “The Notes to Queen Mab and Shelley’s Spinozism.” The Neglected Shelley, edited by Alan Weinberg and Timothy Webb, Ashgate, 2015, pp. 77–94.

St. Clair, William. The Reading Nation in the Romantic Period, CUP, 2004. 318.

Byron, George Gordon The Giaour 1813 Poetry English Number/letter after item; Sign after item Endnote at very end; Footnote Sign/number repeated
Editions 1-6: footnotes
Edition 7 onwards: endnotes
Anonymous A sequel to the "Rejected addresses" 1813 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Philippart, C., Mrs. Muscovy: A Poem, in Four Cantos: with Notes, Historical & Military: Also Several Detached Pieces 1813 Poetry English Number/letter after item Endnote at very end Page; Sign/number repeated

Pierce, William Leigh The year: a poem, in three cantoes. By William Leigh Pierce, esq. 1813 Poetry English Sign after item Foot- and endnotes Quote; Sign/number repeated
Footnotes refer to endnotes, e.g. "Vide appendix, Note III"

(but there are also very long footnotes, e.g. on page 90)
Newport, Matthew Don Emanuel; a poem, in three cantos; with notes. 1813 Poetry English

Unfortunately, I could not find a digitised version of this work
Fitzgerald, Preston Spain delivered : a poem in two cantos : and other poems 1813 Poetry English Number/letter after line Footnote Sign/number repeated

Byron, George Gordon The Bride of Abydos 1813 Poetry English Number/letter after item
Line; Page; Quote; Sign/number repeated

Graham, Elizabeth Susanna Davenport Eo-Nauts, or The spirit of delusion, a serio, comico, logical, eulogical, lyrical, satyrical poem, with notes, geographical and critical, of various commentators / edited by Lemuel Gulliver, Esq., and dedicated to the Mayor of Bristol. 1813 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated
Also impersonates different characters (mostly contemporary authors) in the annotations, like Pope in the Dunciad
Holme, James Moscow; or, Triumphant self-devotion. A poem in three cantos, with notes, historical, philosophical, and critical 1813 Poetry English None Endnote at very end Quote

Byron, George Gordon The Waltz 1813 Poetry English Number/letter after item Endnote at very end Sign/number repeated

Bidlake, John The year : a poem 1813 Poetry English None; Sign after item Foot- and endnotes Page; Quote; Sign/number repeated
Short annotations: sign and footnote

Long annotations: no indication and endnote
Roby, John Jokeby, a burlesque on Rokeby, : a poem, in six cantos, / by an amateur of fashion; ; to which are added, occasional notes, by our most popular characters 1813 Poetry English None Endnote at very end Page; Quote; Stanza
Also impersonates different characters (mostly contemporary authors) in the annotations, like Pope in the Dunciad
Moore, Thomas Intercepted Letters, Or, The Twopenny Post-bag: To which are Added, Trifles Reprinted, edited by Thomas Brown, the Younger 1813 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated Watson, Alex. Romantic Marginality: Nation and Empire on the Borders of the Page, Pickering & Chatto, 2012.
Anonymous Metrical Scions: Or Traits of Patriotism : a Poem, with Notes 1813 Poetry English

Unfortunately, I could not find a digitised version of this work
Peacock, Thomas Love Sir Hornbook, or Childe Launcelot's Expedition 1813 Poetry English Number/letter after line Footnote Sign/number repeated
Found on William Denton's list of annotated fiction: https://www.miskatonic.org/footnotes.html
Scott, Walter Rokeby 1813 Poetry English None Endnote at very end Page; Quote; Stanza

Merivale, John Herman Orlando in Roncesvalles, a poem in five cantos 1814 Poetry English Number/letter after line Endnote after chapter/canto Quote; Sign/number repeated

Halcomb, John, Jr. Peace, a Pindaric Ode of Triumph, addressed to the Regent of England 1814 Poetry English

Unfortunately, I could not find a digitised version of this work
Shee, Martin Archer The commemoration of Reynolds : in two parts, with notes, and other poems 1814 Poetry English Sign after line Footnote Sign/number repeated

Bonaparte, Lucien Charlemagne, ou l'Église délivrée, poème épique en vingt-quatre chants 1814 Poetry French

Anonymous Anacreon in Dublin. With notes, critical, historical, & explanatory 1814 Poetry English Number/letter after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Rogers, Samuel Jacqueline, a Tale 1814 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated
Published in the same volume as Byron's Lara

There seems to be no consistent Murray 'house style' for annotations: the annotation for Lara appears before the poem itself on a separate page.
Ash, Charles Bowker Adbaston; a poem 1814 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated
very few annotations
Martini, Carl Dankadresse für Napoleon Buonaparte, im Namen der geretteten Nationen : ein Gedicht, aber keine Dichtung! ; mit angehängten Noten zum Text und einer Paraphrase der merkwürdigen prophetischen Stelle Jesaja 14,5-20 1814 Poetry German

Allen, Benjamin Urania, or The true use of poesy : a poem 1814 Poetry English Number/letter after line Endnote at very end Page; Quote; Sign/number repeated

Byron, George Gordon Ode to Napoleon 1814 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Byron, George Gordon Lara 1814 Poetry English None Other Line; Page; Quote
The annotation appears before the poem
Haygarth , William Greece, a poem, in three parts; with notes, classical illustrations, and sketches of the scenery 1814 Poetry English None; Number/letter after item Foot- and endnotes Line; Quote; Sign/number repeated
Short annotation: number and footnote

Long annotation: no indication and endnote
Anonymous Sortes Horatianae: A Poetical Review of Poetical Talent, with Notes 1814 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Malcolm, John Persia. A poem. With notes 1814 Poetry English Number/letter after item Endnote at very end Line; Page; Quote; Sign/number repeated

Byron, George Gordon The Corsair 1814 Poetry English Number/letter after line Endnote at very end Line; Page; Quote; Sign/number repeated

Southey, Robert Roderick, the last of the Goths 1814 Poetry English None Endnote at very end Page; Quote Chatsiou, Ourania. Paratext and Poetics in British Romantic-Period Literature. Unpublished PhD thesis, 2009.

Robertson, Fiona. Legitimate Histories: Scott, Gothic, and the Authorities of Fiction, Clarendon, 1998.

Satiricus Sculptor [pseud. of Ireland, William Henry] Chalcographimania; or, The portrait-collector and printseller's chronicle, with infatuations of every description. A humorous poem. In four books. With copious notes explanatory. 1814 Poetry English Number/letter after line Footnote Sign/number repeated

Hunt, Leigh The feast of the poets : with notes, and other pieces in verse 1814 Poetry English Number/letter after item; Sign after item Foot- and endnotes Quote; Sign/number repeated
Endnotes for the main poem of the volume, footnotes for the other poems in the volume
Brentano, Clemens Die Gründung Prags 1814 Drama German

Wordsworth, William The Excursion 1814 Poetry English None Endnote at very end Line; Page; Quote

Anonymous ["Member of the University of Oxford"] Ovid in London : a ludicrous poem, in six cantos / by a Member of the University of Oxford 1814 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Ireland, William Henry Scribbleomania: Or, The Printer's Devil's Polichronicon; a Sublime Poem 1815 Poetry English Number/letter after item Footnote Sign/number repeated Hawley, Judith. “Grub Street in Albion: or, Scriblerian Satire in the Romantic Metropolis.” Romanticism, vol. 14, no. 2, 2008, pp. 81–93. doi:10.3366/E1354991X08000202.
Scott, Walter The lord of the isles, a poem in six cantos 1815 Poetry English None Endnote at very end Page; Quote; Stanza
annotations also sometimes have annotations
Etty, Robert Cossack: a poem, in three cantos. With notes 1815 Poetry English

Unfortunately, I could not find a digitised version of this work
Ireland, William Henry The Sailor-boy : a poem in four cantos illustrative of the Navy of Great Britain 1815 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Gilmour, Robert Lothaire : a romance, in six cantos: with notes 1815 Poetry English None Endnote at very end Quote; Stanza

Pye, Henry James Alfred, an epic poem 1815 Poetry English None Footnote Line; Quote

Knight, Ann Cuthbert Home: a poem 1815 Poetry English Number/letter after item Foot- and endnotes Line; Page; Quote; Sign/number repeated
Footnotes refer to the endnotes
Howard, John Owens Clara; or, Fancy's tale; a poem, in three cantos 1815 Poetry English None Endnote at very end None; Page; Quote

Grant, Johnson Arabia, a poem; with notes, to which are added several smaller pieces. 1815 Poetry English Number/letter after item Endnote at very end Sign/number repeated

Macdonald, John Paul A Keppoch song: a poem in five cantos: being the origin and history of the family, alias Donald, Lord of the Isles, carried down to its extinction, with a continuation of the family of Keppoch; the whole combined with the history of Scotland, with notes and references, and concluding with an analysis of the Scotch acts of Parliament, relative to the Douglas association; and an address to His Royal Highness the prince regent 1815 Poetry English Sign after line Footnote Sign/number repeated

Bowles, William Lisle The missionary; a poem 1815 Poetry English Number/letter after item Endnote at very end Sign/number repeated

Herbert, William Helga: A Poem in Seven Cantos, with notes.

[The volume also contains "Song of Vala" and "Brynhilda", both of which are also annotated.]
1815 Poetry English None Endnote at very end Line; Quote

Gisborne, Thomas Rothley Temple; : a poem, in three cantos 1815 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Daniel, George The modern Dunciad, a satire : with notes, biographical and critical 1815 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated Hawley, Judith. “Grub Street in Albion: or, Scriblerian Satire in the Romantic Metropolis.” Romanticism, vol. 14, no. 2, 2008, pp. 81–93. doi:10.3366/E1354991X08000202.
Peacock, Thomas Love Headlong Hall 1815 Prose English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated
Found on William Denton's list of annotated fiction: https://www.miskatonic.org/footnotes.html
Cope, Harriet Suicide: a poem. In four parts, illustrated with notes 1815 Poetry English

Unfortunately, I could not find a digitised version of this work
Cunningham, John William De Rancé; a poem 1816 Poetry English None Endnote at very end Page; Quote; Stanza

Knight, Henry Gally Ilderim : a Syrian tale. In four cantos 1816 Poetry English None Endnote at very end Line; Quote

Mitchie, John Vices of the tavern dissected: or, Drunkenness laid open. A poem. With ... notes and illustrations … 1816 Poetry English

Unfortunately, I could not find a digitised version of this work
Trench, Melesina [pseud. ?] Laura's dream; or, The moonlanders. A poem, with notes. By Melesina Trench 1816 Poetry English Number/letter after item Endnote at very end Line; Page; Quote; Sign/number repeated

Griffiths, Griffiths ap The sons of St. David: A Cambro-British Historical Tale of the Fourteenth Century. With explanatory notes and references. In three volumes 1816 Prose English None Endnote at very end Page; Quote

Byron, George Gordon Siege of Corinth 1816 Poetry English Number/letter after item Endnote after chapter/canto Line; Page; Quote; Sign/number repeated

Walker, James Scott. South American. A metrical tale, in four cantos; with historical notes, and other poems 1816 Poetry English None Endnote at very end Quote; Sign/number repeated; Stanza

Barrett, Eaton Stannard The talents run mad; or, Eighteen hundred and sixteen. A satirical poem. In three dialogues, with notes. 1816 Poetry English None Footnote Quote

Felch, Walton The manufacturer's pocket-piece, or, The cotton-mill moralized : a poem, with illustrative notes 1816 Poetry English Number/letter after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Pierpont, John Airs of Palestine; a poem 1816 Poetry English Number/letter after line Endnote at very end Quote; Sign/number repeated

Marsden, Joshua The narrative of a mission to Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the Somers islands: with a tour to lake Ontario : to which is added, The mission, an original poem, with copious notes : also, a brief account of missionary societies, and much interesting information on missions in general 1816 Poetry English None Footnote Quote

Hodson, Margaret (née Holford) Margaret of Anjou : a poem 1816 Poetry English None Endnote after chapter/canto Line; Quote; Stanza

Martin, Thomas The manger, or, The birth of Christ : a poem in four cantos 1816 Poetry English Number/letter after line Endnote at very end Sign/number repeated

Terrot, Charles Hughes Hezekiah and Sennacherib : a poem 1816 Poetry English Number/letter after item Endnote at very end Sign/number repeated

Byron, George Gordon Parisina 1816 Poetry English Number/letter after item Endnote after chapter/canto Line; Page; Quote; Sign/number repeated

Anonymous Characters of the Court: a poem : with notes. 1816 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Barlow, Joel The vision of Columbus : a poem, in nine books; with explanatory notes 1816 Poetry English Sign after line Footnote Sign/number repeated

Steele, Sarah Eva, an historical poem, with notes, accompanied by some lyric poems 1816 Poetry English None Endnote after chapter/canto Page; Quote

Johnston, Archibald The mariner; a poem in two cantos 1816 Poetry English Number/letter after line Endnote at very end Quote; Sign/number repeated

Southey, Robert The Lay of the Laureate 1816 Poetry English None Endnote at very end Page; Quote Chatsiou, Ourania. Paratext and Poetics in British Romantic-Period Literature. Unpublished PhD thesis, 2009.
Byron, George Gordon The Prisoner of Chillon 1816 Poetry English Number/letter after item Endnote at very end Line; Page; Quote; Sign/number repeated

Byron, George Gordon Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage III 1816 Poetry English Number/letter after item Endnote at very end Line; Page; Quote; Sign/number repeated

Osiander, Friedrich Benjamin Dank und Bitte an die Najade Nenndorf : Ein Gedicht mit Anmerkungen 1816 Poetry German

Southey, Robert The Poet’s Pilgrimage to Waterloo 1816 Poetry English None Endnote at very end Page; Quote Chatsiou, Ourania. Paratext and Poetics in British Romantic-Period Literature. Unpublished PhD thesis, 2009.
Davidson, Henry Waterloo. A Poem, with Notes 1816 Poetry English

Unfortunately, I could not find a digitised version of this work
Peacock, Thomas Love The Round Table, or King Arthur's Feast 1817 Poetry English

Found on William Denton's list of annotated fiction: https://www.miskatonic.org/footnotes.html
Carlyle, Robert De Vaux, : or The heir of Gilsland, a poem, in five cantos 1817 Poetry English None Endnote at very end Quote; Stanza

Gally Knight, Henry Phrosyne: a Grecian Tale and Alashtar: an Arabian Tale 1817 Poetry English None Endnote at very end Quote

Byron, George Gordon Manfred 1817 Drama English Number/letter after item Endnote at very end Line; Page; Quote; Sign/number repeated

Croly, George Paris in 1815, a poem. With notes 1817 Poetry English Number/letter after item Endnote at very end Line; Page; Quote; Sign/number repeated

Peacock, Thomas Love Melincourt 1817 Prose English

Found on William Denton's list of annotated fiction: https://www.miskatonic.org/footnotes.html
Homfray, Francis Thoughts on happiness, : a poem. / By the Rev. Francis Homfray, A.M. late of Oriel College, Oxford; and rector of Lanvayer Kilgeddine, Monmouthshire 1817 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Scott, Jonathan M. Blue lights, or, The convention. A poem, in four cantos 1817 Poetry English Number/letter after line Endnote at very end Line; Page; Quote; Sign/number repeated

Breton, Marianne The Wife of Fitzalice and the Caledonian Siren. A Romance, With Historical Notes. In Five Volumes. 1817 Prose English

Cowen, Isaac The sage; an original poem 1817 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Yeatman, Harry Farr Brent Knoll, a poem 1817 Poetry English Number/letter after line Endnote at very end Line; Page; Sign/number repeated

Hemans, Felicia Modern Greece : a poem 1817 Poetry English Number/letter after line Endnote at very end Line; Page; Quote; Sign/number repeated

Scott, Jonathan M. The sorceress : or, Salem delivered. A poem, in four cantos 1817 Poetry English Number/letter after line Endnote at very end Page; Quote; Sign/number repeated

Dallas, Alexander R.C. Ramirez; a poem 1817 Poetry English Number/letter after line Endnote at very end Page; Quote; Sign/number repeated
The author is the son of Byron's friend Robert Charles Dallas
Jeffrey, Francis; Gordon, John The Craniad; or, Spurzheim Illustrated 1817 Poetry English Number/letter after line; Sign after line Endnote at very end; Foot- and endnotes; Footnote Quote; Sign/number repeated
Long notes: number and endnote
Short notes: sign and footnote
F.H.B An address [in verse] to ... Lord Byron, with an opinion on some of his writings 1817 Poetry English Number/letter after item Endnote at very end Quote; Sign/number repeated

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
Sibylline leaves: a collection of poems
1817 Poetry English None Margin None Chatsiou, Ourania. Paratext and Poetics in British Romantic-Period Literature. Unpublished PhD thesis, 2009. 89.

Lipking, Lawrence. “The Marginal Gloss.” Critical Inquiry, vol. 3, no. 4, 1977, pp. 609–55.

Wall, Wendy. “Interpreting Poetic Shadows: The Gloss of The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.” Criticism: A Quarterly for Literature and the Arts, vol. 29, no. 2, 1987, pp. 179–95.

In her unpublished PhD thesis, Chatsiou also provides the following references:

Huntington Brown, ‘The Gloss to the “Rime of the Ancient Mariner”, Modern Quarterly Review, 36 (1945), 319-324.

Sarah Dyck, ‘Perspective in “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner’’’, Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900, 13: 4 (1973), 591-604.

Frances Ferguson, ‘Coleridge and the Deluded Reader: “The Rime of the Ancient mariner’’’, Georgia Review, 31 (1977), 617-635.

Jerome C. Christensen, ‘Coleridge’s Marginal Method in the Biographia Literaria’, PMLA, 92:5 (1977), 928-940.

Jerome J. McGann, ‘The Meaning of the Ancient Mariner’, Critical Inquiry, 8: 1 (1981), 35-67.

K. M. Wheeler, ‘The Gloss to “The Ancient Mariner”: An Ironic Commentary’, in The Creative Mind of Coleridge’s Poetry (London: Heinmann, 1981), pp. 42-64.

Lindsay Davies, ‘The Poem, the Gloss and the Critic: Discourse and Subjectivity in “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner’’’, Forum for Modern Language Studies, 26: 3 (1990), 259-271.
The collection also contains some poems with footnotes
Moore, Thomas Lalla Rookh 1817 Poetry English Number/letter after item Foot- and endnotes Line; Page; Quote; Sign/number repeated
Short annotations: footnotes, indicated

Long annotations: endnotes, not indicated
Stendhal Histoire de la peinture en Italie 1817 Prose French

Dürrenmatt, Jacques. “La note comme lieu de autoréférence.” L'espace de la note, edited by Jacques Dürrenmatt and Andréas Pfersmann, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2004, 51-64.

Dürrenmatt, Jacques. “Notes intertextualles chez Stendhal et Louvet.” L'espace de la note, edited by Jacques Dürrenmatt and Andréas Pfersmann, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2004, 127-140.
About Stendhal's notes in general, see
Rannaud, Gérald. “La Marge et la Pensée: Notes sur la «marginale» chez Stendhal.” Le livre annoté, edited by Christian Jacob, Bibliothèque nationale de France, 1999, 72-77.
D'Oyly, Thomas The bronze dove: a poem, in seven cantos 1817 Poetry English None Endnote at very end Line; Page; Quote

Dallas, Alexander Robert Charles Felix Alvarez; or, Manners in Spain 1818 Prose English

The author is the son of Byron's friend Robert Charles Dallas
Tait, Thomas Bamburgh castle : a poem, in two parts 1818 Poetry English Number/letter after item Endnote at very end Quote; Sign/number repeated

Ladoucette, Jean-Charles-François Voyage fait en 1813 et 1814 dans le pays entre Meuse et Rhin, suivi de notes 1818

Peacock, Thomas Love Nightmare Abbey 1818 Prose English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated
Found on William Denton's list of annotated fiction: https://www.miskatonic.org/footnotes.html
Meredith, W. E. Llewelyn ap Jorwerth : a poem, in five cantos 1818 Poetry English None; Sign after item Foot- and endnotes Line; Sign/number repeated; Stanza
Short annotations: footnotes

Long annotations: endnotes, no indication
Moore, Thomas The Fudge Family in Paris, edited by Thomas Brown, the Younger 1818 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated Watson, Alex. Romantic Marginality: Nation and Empire on the Borders of the Page, Pickering & Chatto, 2012.
Moiré, Isaac Le Greffier, poème, suivi de notes historiques et biographiques 1818 Poetry French

Byron, George Gordon Beppo 1818 Poetry English Number/letter after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Macvitie, William Battle of Dryfe Sands. A poem. With notes. 1818 Poetry English Number/letter after line Endnote at very end Quote; Sign/number repeated

Byron, George Gordon Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage IV 1818 Poetry English Number/letter after item Endnote at very end Quote; Stanza
The number of the note (which is given in the poem itself) is not repeated before the annotations and there are no page numbers (in the first edition).

Many of the annotations are themselves annotated.
Young, Murdo Antonia; a poem. With notes descriptive of the plague in Malta. 1818 Poetry English None Endnote at very end None
There is just one very long endnote
Fessenden, Thomas Green The ladies monitor, a poem 1818 Poetry English Number/letter after line Endnote at very end Page; Sign/number repeated

Anonymous Bodiam Castle : a poem, in 6 cantos ; with notes 1818 Poetry English None Endnote at very end Page; Quote; Stanza

Laing, Alexander Caledonian itinerary; or, A tour on the banks of the Dee: a poem, with historical notes, from the best authorities 1819 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Dallas, Robert Charles Ode to the Duke of Wellington, and Other Poems: And Other Poems 1819 Poetry English None Endnote at very end Line; Page; Quote
Apparently a different Dallas, not Byron's friend.
Rhodes, George A. The gentleman : a satire ; written during the years 1812, 1813, 1814, and 1815 ; with other poems, and notes 1819 Poetry English None Endnote at very end Line; Quote; Stanza

Barber, John The times, or, Views of society : a poem with notes to which is added an appendix containing various scenes from four plays-- viz. A comic opera, Two comedies and A tragedy ... preceded by a statement of facts 1819 Poetry English None Footnote Line; Quote

Reynolds, John Hamilton [attributed to] Benjamin the Waggoner: A Ryghte Merrie and Conceitede Tale in Verse: A Fragment 1819 Poetry English None; Sign after item Endnote at very end; Foot- and endnotes; Footnote Quote; Sign/number repeated
Long notes: no indication, endnote
Short notes: sign and footnote
Anonymous The Enjoyments of youth : a ground-work to the comforts of old age, with notes and illustrations. 1819 Prose English

Leigh, Chandos The view 1819 Poetry English Number/letter after line Endnote at very end Quote; Sign/number repeated

Moore, Thomas Tom Crib's memorial to Congress, with a preface, notes, and appendix 1819 Poetry English Sign after item Footnote Sign/number repeated

Anonymous The banquet, a humorous didactic poem, in three cantos, with notes